EP 6- Goodbye?

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Next Morning
The next morning was hectic for most of the house because they had to wake up early. But Amy was the only one sleeping... why? Miracle was leaving the house. His stuff were already packed and next to the door. He had already left Amy a note beside her bed as to why he was leaving. He didn't want to tell her last night.

VC- Chinyere- Miracle Bụ onye nzuzu. Eh. Why won't he tell his girlfriend that he's leaving. Don't tell Amy this but I watch her content. She has Content. So I know that she doesn't take shit. In fact

*Walks Out*

Chinyere saw people hugging Miracle a last goodbye and ran to Amy's room and woke her up

Chinyere: Wake up
Amy: What the fuck is your problem Chinyere
Chinyere: Miracle is leaving

Amy shot up from her bed and wiped her eyes

Amy: To where?
Chinyere: Home and he found out yesterday evening

Amy left the room with Chinyere and looked down at the door and saw Miracle about to leave.

Amy: So you thought in your mind that leaving without telling me was the best idea?

VC- Miracle- I don fuck up

Miracle: It wasn't-
Amy: It's a Yes or No question
Miracle: Yes
Amy: Piece of shit

Amy walked back I got her room and laid back down on the bed. While downstairs Elsie was about to scold Miracle

Elsie: I thought you said you told her you were leaving
Miracle: I didn't want to get her upset
Elsie: Well you certainly passed that goal
Miracle: I don't have enough time to stay. My flight
Elsie: Then you better make a quick run to Amy or we're gonna have a problem right now

Miracle jogged upstairs and tried opening the door but it was locked

Miracle: Amarachi-
Amy: Don't call me Amarachi
Miracle: I'm sorry that I didn't tell yo
Amy: Since yesterday?

Amy stood up and opened the door.

Amy: Get the hell out. Just go
Miracle: Amy stop.
Amy: Don't Tell me what to do. You should have told me this on time. You wanted a relationship. Yet you don't even know how to maintain one.
Miracle: I'm most likely coming back... just please wait for me
Amy: Good Riddance

Amy closed the door on Miracle and locked it again. She decided to just stay alone. She got under the covers of her own bed and had a tear drop from her eye. Then she heard a knock on the door

Elsie: It's Me.
Amy: So?
Elsie: So get your Jupiter looking ass over here and unlock the door.

Amy unlocked the door to see Elsie with a Pina Colada in hand

Elsie: This is for you
Amy: Thanks. Has Miracle left?
Elsie: Yeah. Just did now... you upset?
Amy: Well of course. He should have told me he was leaving as soon as he got the message. Not me having to wake up to see him not here.
Elsie: I understand completely. And he may still come back.
Amy: Did he tell you guys the reason he left?
Elsie: No but I know it was urgent. But can I tell you something else since you're already not in the mood?
Amy: What happened?
Elsie: Nnadi kissed Miracle but Miracle obviously pushed away

Amy laughed and gave Elsie her Pina Colada to hold as she made her way downstairs in rage. She reached outside where everyone was and was legit in attack mode. Zim and Som*t saw that and went and held her back

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