Cut and Crush Ceremony- 3 (Singles)

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(Sorry guys, Short Chapter)
Next Morning

As usual, people started to get up and do their routine. But after almost everyone was done they went down to the living room while Theo was cooking in the kitchen with Amanda.

Theo: Have you seen Som*t this morning? He tucked me in last night because I was drunk and I've not seen him since.
Amanda: He probably woke up early and went to walk around or something

Then Amy walked into the kitchen to get something from the fridge

Theo: Amy have you seen Som*t?
Amy: I don't know or care where he is, neither do I know or care where Tara is. So many damn questions this-
Theo: Wait they cant find Tara as well
Amy: Nope and goodbye

Amy went back to the living room to relay the message

Amy: Please I do not know where anyone is. I'm not anyone's babysitter.
Onyii: Where is Tara come to think of it?
Victor: Theo is looking for Som*t as well o

VC- Amy- It's not even possible. I don't think Som*t would... no c'mon. He can't be fucking with Tara

Victor: Do I need to be worried that I did not see her last night... and this morning???
Amy: No. I'm pretty sure that she probably just slept somewhere else
Miracle: Yeah and Theo saw Som*t last night
Theo: But I didn't see him when I woke up
Amy: That doesn't mean anything
Nnedi: It actually kinda does

GC- Miracle and Amy

Amy- They definitely fucked
Miracle- They have to pay us for brainwashing these dumb children because I don't know how They haven't even put two and two together

GC Over

Victor thought about something before walking towards the Escape room. Everyone followed him but Amy went to the front and opened the door and shut it quickly before anyone could enter.... but she only saw Tara coming out of the bathroom with a towel

Amy: Just look at. You are meant to be covering your traps yet you're still here
Tara: I'm having a headache please save the lecture

Amy opened the door wide open so that Victor could stop shouting at the other side

Victor: Why're here?
Tara: I wanted a free bed
Amy: I told you guys there was nothing to worry about
Theo: This seems fishy
Miracle: So what I'm hearing is that you don't trust Som*t
Theo: I do trust him
Miracle: Well then Som*t probably-
Som*t: Som*t did what?

Everyone turned to him in shock.

Theo: Where have you been?
Som*t: In the Gym working out... why are we looking at Tara in a Towel?
Victor: You people scared the living shit out of me.
Amy: Alright you guys should go let Onyinye and I help Tara. She's having a Headache.
Victor: Then I should-
Onyii: Nope

Onyinye entered the room and shut the door and her and Amy gave Tara the look

Tara: Oh shut up like we don't know you kissed Zim in the Shack and you actually wanted to kiss Augustine
Amy: Difference is that Miracle knows about mine
Onyii: And I showed Visible anger after mine so
Tara: Whatever. I was drunk. Everything happened drunk
Onyii: I just think you should tell him
Tara: That's the last thing I'm going to do. There's no way I'm telling Victor

VC- Tara- Do these people know Victor at all? I can't tell him. That's crazy

Amy: Well then. Let me leave you to change and get back to the house. I'll catch you later

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