Ep5- Closure

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Next Morning
People were just waking up and doing their morning routines. Theodora made Breakfast only for the exes... talk about suck up. But the singles have been walking on shattered glass since. Making sure their every move is worth it... except Amy

Amy: Elsie let's go
Elsie: To?
Amy: Pool side. Get a tan or something
Elsie: You don't have to tell me twice

They went downstairs and went outside

Amy: I can't believe this
Elsie: Is it the exes being able to vote?
Amy: Yes. It makes no sense
Elsie: We're actually gonna talk about it later. But I don't think anyone would want you out. You're such a nice person
Amy: Exactly. You get me

Then Amanda walked up to them

Amanda: Hey Elsieeeee. How are you?
Elsie: You're Amanda right
Amanda: The one and only
Elsie: You're on the chopping block so one and only my ass
Amanda: *Calming herself down* It's cool. I've just never done anything wrong to you so I feel like I shouldn't be the one to leave tomorrow night
Elsie: Well that's not on me. It's on the rest of them
Amanda: Alright but just put my name in the good

Amanda rolled her eyes and walked away

Amy: So what are you gonna be doing here?
Elsie: I don't know mate. I'll probably leave soon. Then come back again. I really don't know but this place is boring

Cydric walked towards Amy and Elsie

Cydric: Inside now. We're playing a game
Amy: Commander in Chief
Cydric: Shut the fuck up you're worse
Amy: We all know I'm not
Elsie: Let's just go I want to see what the game is about.

The three walked inside to see the exes at the staircase and the singles sitting down. So Elsie and Cydric joined the exes.

Victor: So we're gonna play a game
Cydric: It's called Roast your Ex
Tara: Only played by the exes
Miracle: That means Victor has to roast you which I don't mind at all
Victor: Mine is different
Anderson: Nope. It's not. If she doesn't roast you I'm pretty sure some of us would be happy enough to do it for her. Som*t sure will
Som*t: No hesitating. But I'd insult you first
Anderson: All talk
Som*t: Do you want me to do something about it?
Amy: You Guys Are so annoying. I want to see where this goes
Cydric: Great because we're starting with Zim

VC- Amy- I didn't know ALL the exes were gonna join in.

Zimuzo sat on the chair in the middle with a card

Zim: So I was gonna read this card but... it's blank... I can't insult you because I absolutely adore you

Some people cooed and Miracle stood up and ripped Zimuzo's Card in his face

Zim: It's still blank fam
Miracle: You have some nerve
Zim: You ain't scaring nobody
Miracle: I will give you a reason to be afraid
Nnadi: Ogbeni move from the seat let me do my own. Amy didn't even thank you
Zim: I know why right Amy?

Everyone turned to Amy who was also confused

Amy: I'm lost but we'll talk later
Miracle: There won't be any talking later. It's this "talking later" that gives him the audacity to do stuff like this.
Amy: But you can't tell me what to do. It's not like we're even dating so I can do what I want
Chiamaka: You see what I was saying. You've been bullshitting yourself
Amy: I don't stop you from speaking to Nnadi. Talk to her I don't care.
Miracle: I don't talk to her because I want US to work out. But you talking to him isn't allowing us to work out
Amy: Miracle we will talk about this later please let's just get this over with
Miracle: No because I'm vexed that you wouldn't do the things I do for you. You're acting so self-centered
Amy: How am I acting Self-centered? I know I am but I'm not acting it now. This is our issue and you don't need to put it on blast
Miracle: I need a break
Amy: A break from what? We aren't even together
Miracle: You see the shit I'm talking about? I'm putting effort and you're not. If you still like Zimuzo tell me and stop leading me on like a fool
Amy: I don't fucking like Zim I like you. And you know that. I'm done
Elsie: Miracle, Amy doesn't like expressing herself in public... you just made her do it... now you have to hear from the council. Let's go

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