Ep4- Cut or Crush Ceremony 2

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The next morning things were going slowly. Many people were still in bed including Theodora meaning Breakfast was every man for himself. Anderson slept alone last night 😕.

As things started to pick up Munachi and Amy went outside to catch up by the pool.

Amy: How's Nigeria?
Munachi: Same as when we graduated. What will change? They are all still corrupt politicians
Amy: So you've gotten your money and ran?
Munachi: I didn't say I'm a corrupt politician
Amy: Because the cameras are rolling
Munachi: Fashi That thing. Are you with that tall guy?
Amy: We aren't necessarily dating
Munachi: Then why not give Zim a chance
Amy: Well, I like Miracle
Munachi: That doesn't mean you shouldn't explore your options. If he likes you he should put a title on you both
Amy: Smart

Then Zim came over and sat at the edge of the pool next to Amy.

Munachi: Zim What happened last season?
Zim: I don't grab
Munachi: You people were 5th
Zim: Fashi life guy
Amy: You guys played like idiots sometimes
Zim: So you watched?
Amy: Yeah I guess I kinda like Soccer
Munachi: Miracle is coming down

Amy stood up and went through the door on the other side of the house and straight into the kitchen

VC- Munachi- Seeing Amy dodge Miracle just reminds me of Nneka. In ASC Nneka used to dodge Amy sometimes because she was friends with someone that didn't like Amy. Now Amy is in her shoes and understands how it feels 😂

Amy: Olive What's up
Olive: I'm good. I can see that you're doing some getting around
Amy: I don't want to hurt Miracle but I want to keep Zim as a friend
Olive: Then tell Miracle that. Are you guys even dating? Come, Amy, your heart is becoming soft
Amy: Which kind
Miracle: Ladies
Olive: Morning
Amy: You good?
Miracle: Morning to you and yes I'm good

Over in the living room Tara was with Victor and Onyinye

Onyii: Victor when you and Tara broke up did you date another girl?
Victor: Why are you asking?
Tara: Answer the question
Victor: Maybe, Maybe not
Tara: It's a yes or no question
Onyii: Tara I told you these VAC boys are trouble
Victor: Onyinye you guys are not the same person. I'm not accountable for you. I don't need to answer your questions
Tara: Yes you do

GC- Tara and Onyii
Tara- Can you believe this Boy

Onyii- That he doesn't need to answer my questions. He's very stupid. We were even trying to mess with him

Tara- But Guy, What if he dated someone after me

Onyii- What if it's now someone we don't like

Tara- Why do we end up hating the same person?

Onyii- Me that should be asking you

GC: Overrrrrr

Onyii: We're just messing around
Tara: For now
Victor: You people just scare the shit out of me
Onyii: That's our specialty. Do you know how many boys have ran away from Tara because of me? Vice Versa as well
Tara: The strong ones are the ones that stay
Victor: Una don weak me sef

Nnedimma came to the middle of the living room and started drawing everyone's attention

Nnedi: To the living room everyone. Chop chop. No wasting of my time

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