It was another day in the house. Of course Drama has been unfolding but that's that. It was early morning breakfast and Theo actually made everyone food except Somt. So Amy gave Somt her food because she wasn't hungry and Miracle had offered to share with her.
GC- Anderson and Onyii Anderson- Honestly, Theodora is doing the right thing. I can't stress how good she's handling this situation
Onyii- She's just being Childish. What's the point of making a huge amount of food and just leaving him out. She even gave Tara.
Anderson- As far as Som*t doesn't have food
Onyii- Amy gave him
Anderson- That girl can spoil show
Onyii- You just have a problem with Somt
Anderson- Exactly
Amy and Miracle kept talking and laughing at each other's stories. Nnadi was not having it
Nnadi: Hey Miracle: What's up? Nnadi: Do you respect our friendship? Miracle: I don't grab? Nnadi: Do you care about our friendship? Miracle: Yeah Nnadi: Then don't pursue Amy
VC- Amy- So I'm not allowed to have fun because of someone else's insecurities?
Amy: Why're you making this so hard for yourself? If you still have feelings for your ex and don't want to get hurt then stay away. Miracle: Nnadi don't stoop low. Just continue helping Theo in the kitchen Nnadi: Miracle I'm serious
Nnadi walked away and then a piercing sound came through the house again.
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VC- Onyii- Please let it have nothing to do with me
VC- Miracle- This bottle will be the death of me
VC- Clinton- I want to be sent down there I'm bored.
VC- Augustine- How I wish that Onyinye and I can go down there.
Clinton brought out the paper and read it. " The Mountain View or The BEach??? Mountain View. Theodora and Handel a car is waiting for you outside to take you to your date."
VC- Onyii- I didn't mean nothing nothing to do with me. I want a date
VC- Amy- *Sips Cocktail* Anything to leave this house should come and take me
Som*t: So let me get this straight. We're done? Theodora: Yep. Have fun
Theo, be careful what you wish for... and so should you Som*t
Amanda: Oh my gosh you guys should have so much fun. Onyii: Byeeeeeee
Theo and Handel left the house all jittery and happy. Wondering what will be at the Mountain View. Meanwhile inside the house, Augustine was walking towards Anderson and Onyii who were laying on the couch but he Tripped and fell. Once he looked up he saw Clinton laughing. Augustine rushed him and floored him before producers came and broke them up.