Gaming - Arisu

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"Hey babe, you ready?"

Walking into the room, you saw Arisu sitting at the computer with his headphones on. He was so focused on the screen that he did not notice you coming in. With a little frown, you walked up from behind and tilted your head as you watched him.

He was shouting into the headset, clicking furiously on his mouse while his left hand was practically flying around the keyboard.

In all honesty, you did not understand.

You did not understand the appeal of gaming, nor this particular game 'Battleland'.

But gaming was a huge part of Arisu's life. Even before you met him, he was a gamer. Though, he had been very good at making sure that he would not let gaming interfere with your dating life. There were times, however, when he would get sucked into his game. Like now.

[NewAtThis]: Hi guys, I'm new to Battleland. Can someone teach me how to play? I want to learn and surprise my boyfriend!

[Trolling101]: Stop pretending to be a girl and baiting!

[N00BIE]: Troll!

[IamAnAsshole]: Stop baiting!

After watching Arisu gaming for a while, you decided to try and get into that world of his. You had been on a gaming forum for the last hour or so, after you made an account for Battleland. You only wanted to find someone to teach you how to play the game so you could surprise Arisu. You knew absolutely nothing about gaming but wanted to understand Arisu's world a little more. Thinking you could easily find some help online, you never thought you would be so wrong.

And why did these people think it was baiting? You were genuinely asking for help!

About to give up, a notification popped up saying someone sent you a private message.

Although you were a little afraid, you clicked on the notification.

[Alice]: Hi, I saw you were looking for someone to teach you how to play Battleland.

[NewAtThis]: Yes! Can you help me?

[Alice]: Sure, let me add you.

Another notification popped up, and this time it was a friend request.

After adding this [Alice], you spent the next few hours talking. [Alice] was patient, explaining the basics of the game to you first. Once you got the hang of that, they brought you into the game and started teaching the mechanics. They were even kind enough to teach you some strategies and gave you tips on how to play better.

[Alice]: Can I ask you something?

[NewAtThis]: Sure.

[Alice]: You said on your post that you wanted to learn how to play for your boyfriend?

[NewAtThis]: Yeah. He's an avid gamer but I know nothing. I want to learn and surprise him.

[Alice]: Your boyfriend is very lucky to have you. Do you know his gamer tag? Maybe I know him.

[NewAtThis]: I don't know his gamer tag...Oh! His name is Arisu Ryohei, do you know him?

[Alice] went silent. You patiently waited for a reply but it seemed like they had suddenly gone offline.

Instead, you heard a noise coming from the other room. It sounded like something crashing then footsteps running toward the room you were in. Arisu opened the door and stared at you, blinking several times with his mouth opened like he had something to say.

"Something wrong, babe?" you asked.

"Did you make a Battleland account?" he asked.

"Yeah...but how do you know?"

"I'm Alice. I've been teaching you."

Staring at each other, you were both dumbfounded. What were the odds that the one person willing to teach you turned out to be your boyfriend? The one you were trying to surprise.

"Well...should we play together now?"

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