Gaming - Arisu (2)

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A/N: This was requested for a part two on Tumblr so I thought I'd post it here too


"No! No, don't go that way! I told you not to go that way!"

"Babe, come this way."

When you made an account for Battleland, you really just wanted to learn the basics of the game so you could understand Arisu's world a little, and maybe play with him occasionally. Little did you know, you would get addicted to gaming.

You never understood the appeal before, thinking that videogames were just as everyone said: they were simply violent. That was definitely not the case. While violence seemed to be an element for a lot of the games, there were many other factors that made the games very much enjoyable. The teamwork, the graphics, and the plot.

That was a month ago.

Since then, you bought your own PC and even had your own table set up in the room. You leveled up quite a little too, and were playing on a level almost on par with Arisu.

Now, instead of you waiting for Arisu to finish his game so you could go on your date, you skipped the dates entirely and spent most of your time together gaming. And tonight was one of those nights.

Who would have thought the day when you would rather stay in and game all night would come?

There was no fancy dress, no fancy restaurant, no fancy activities, yet you were having the most fun despite not looking at your boyfriend and only communicating through the headsets.


The game ended in your victory, and you took your headset off, turning around in your chair to give Arisu a high five. He grinned, gripping your hand tightly in his and leaned back in his chair, letting out a satisfied sigh.

"Every guy I know complains about how their significant others hate that they game," Arisu said. "And here I am, gaming with you almost everyday. I must be the luckiest guy on Earth."

"You are," you grinned. "Hey, I'm going to get a drink. Do you want anything?"

"Yeah, grab me a coke. And potato chips too!" Running to the kitchen, you grabbed the potato chips from the top cabinet and two cans of drinks from the fridge before running back to the room. "Hey babe, you want to start another round soon?"

Putting the food and drink down on Arisu's desk, you made yourself comfortable on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. He stared at you, looking a little confused then blushed. You took his headset off, putting it around his neck and leaned in to kiss him on the lips.

"You were great in the game, babe."

"That's because I had a great partner," he smiled.

Letting out a soft laugh, you went in for another kiss. As he was returning your kiss, you could feel his hand on your thigh, and the other holding you by the waist. The kiss was slowly turning passionate and your breathings were getting a little shallow and quick.

Before either of you could go any further, however, you were interrupted by soft giggling.

Arisu's eyes widened, realising that his mic was still on and the group chat he was in with the rest of the crew probably heard everything.

"Hey Arisu, we don't mind if you want to finish what you're doing first!"

"I think you mean finish who he's doing!"

"Shut up, you guys!"

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