Jealousy - Chishiya ft. Kurenai

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[My King]: I have a reunion tonight. Don't wait up.

Putting her phone aside, Kurenai leaned back in her chair and sighed softly. Even without his reunion, she would not be seeing Chishiya that night with the amount of work she had to complete. This was the result of firing more than ten incompetent executive staff.

Despite so, her stomach would not let her work with the constant growl of complaints. Her favourite restaurant was just down the road from the office. A quick dinner there and back would not delay her work for long.

And how satisfying it was to have her favourite white truffle carbonara.

Leaving the restaurant, she was on her way back to the office when she walked past another restaurant on the same street. The restaurant had a large glass window, letting passerbys look in. Be it fate, or perhaps karma, Kurenai happened to look in and caught a glimpse of a familiar face. The face she woke up next to everyday.

That was not the only thing she noticed, however.

Where he was sat, four tables were put together but they were sat with four men on one side and three women on the other. It looked very much like a speed dating setting. This was the 'reunion' he told her?

Kurenai walked into the restaurant before she even knew it, waving the maitre d off as she headed straight for that table. She pulled out the empty chair and sat down, confusing the group. Chishiya, on the other hand, was surprised to see her though he masked it quite well.

"I'm sorry, miss. Can we help you?" one of the women asked.

"I saw you were missing one person. Just thought I'd come and join. This looks like fun," she smiled, looking Chishiya in the eyes the entire time.

"Um...sure!" one of the men said. "Now we have an even number. We should uh...start by going around and introducing ourselves. Just say your name and maybe tell us what you're looking for in a partner."

They went one by one, introducing themselves but Kurenai was not paying attention. Her focus was on Chishiya. He had not said a single word since she sat down. Was he guilty? She could not tell. Did he intend on cheating on her? If so, he was not showing it.

"I'm Kurenai," she said, straightening herself when it was her turn. She put on the fakest smile she could, looking at Chishiya the entire time. "And I'm not into doctors, they work long hours and when they finally get a day off, they lie about going to a reunion and end up at a speed dating event."

"Do you know her?" the man sitting next to Chishiya asked. "That's oddly specific, and kind of fits you."

"I'm Chishiya Shuntarou," he said, ignoring the man.

"Tell us what kind of girl you like."

To be honest, Chishiya's friend was regretting asking him here. Nobody else would come to the event, and he had to lie to Chishiya to get him here. However, he had always been the popular guy in school. He had the looks, and he had the brains too. Despite his cold demeanour, girls were always fawning over him.

As evident by all the women here staring at him from the very beginning. Even the random woman who joined them had her eyes on him the whole time.

"I like someone who's independent, smart, and a little twisted. She has to like blindfolds in bed too."

"Oh, you're kinky," one of the women giggled.

Kurenai's eyes narrowed, glaring at the woman.

This was entertaining for Chishiya.

Both of them had always been confident in themselves, and each other. They never doubted the other before, because they knew that they only loved each other. Still, it felt good to know that even Kurenai would get jealous.

Before they could continue with the event, however, Kurenai's phone started ringing.

"Speaking," she answered. "Yes, I'm on my way back now. Get the draft ready for me."

Standing up, she left as abruptly as she appeared.


Two hours later, Chishiya headed home after the event. The second he stepped into the penthouse, he knew something was still very wrong. The Moonlight Sonata First Movement was playing on the speakers. This was Kurenai's angry song.

"She's been like this since she came home an hour ago," Ayako whispered to Chishiya, walking up to him. "This has been repeating for an hour."

With a nod, Chishiya walked over to the stereo and stopped the piece, turning it off. Kurenai did not move from her position on the sofa, simply rolling her eyes in his direction and glared. "Had a lot of fun, didn't you? Coming home this late."

"Hm, it was alright," he said, sitting down next to her. He reached for her hand though Kurenai was quick to pull away.

"Who did you match with? Big eyes? Long legs? Big breasts was really interested in you," she said.

"I didn't match with any of them. The one I wanted to match with left really early on," he sighed, leaning back on the sofa. "She said she's not into doctors but I have a feeling she's lying. She's into this doctor."

Kurenai rolled her eyes, but her posture had relaxed.

He reached for her hand once more and this time, she did not pull away. Chishiya pulled her into his arms, lifting her chin. This had been so much fun that he was contemplating going to another of these events just to see her reaction.

"I really thought it was a reunion," he said, pushing her hair behind her ear. "My friend from high school told me it was a reunion because he knew I wouldn't go if he told me the truth, and he needed one more guy."

"Why didn't you leave when you found out?"

"He begged me not to. I don't know why, to be honest, since one of the girls didn't show up anyway. If I weren't there, they would have three and three."


"I would never lie to you," he whispered, pressing his lips on hers. "Just so you know, I didn't match with any of them because I told them I already have a girlfriend. An amazing girlfriend who's quick to forgive me for an honest mistake."

"You wish."

"How about two kisses?"

"More like two lifetime of kisses."


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