Jealousy - Chishiya

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A/N: This is a request from kunismymom


As soon as you were in the room, Chishiya practically threw you onto the bed. He climbed on top of you and pinned you down, holding your hands above your head. This was the first time Chishiya had been so rough with you, and you barely started the night together. The look in his eyes was different too, almost as if there was something animalistic to it.

He leaned down, his lips pressed to your neck and he was already sucking and biting on you, leaving a mark. He then moved on to the next spot and did the same. Over and over again.


You barely managed to say two words before your lips were sealed with his. His kiss was especially passionate and by the end of it, you were breathless.

What was up with him today?

-Half an hour prior-

"Yeah, the room went up in fire!"

When Arisu first came to the Beach, you thought he was interesting simply because he was a newcomer who already had the backing of Hatter while pissing all of the militants off at the same time. And to be fair, it was fascinating to listen to stories of different people and how they had survived up until now.

"What happened next? Did you guys guess all the way?"

"No, we guessed the first two rooms but then I figured it out. Basically, since the building was pretty much a square shape, there are nine rooms in total. And since we already passed through two rooms, pretty much we can deduce which door leads to the actual exit."

"Oh wow, you must be really smart to figure all that out. I would have just guessed," you sighed.

"I'm...alright, I guess. I play a lot of video games so that probably helped with my thinking."

"Really? What games do you play? Console or PC?"

How long were you going to chat up Arisu?

Watching you from a distance, Chishiya could not help the frown in his eyebrows. For the past hour, you had been talking to Arisu non-stop. Knowing you, you were probably asking about how he survived which you did the same with Chishiya though he did not remember you being as enthusiastic as you were right now.

In fact, he did not remember you being as enthusiastic with anyone else.

Arisu too.

What was with that grin of his? Did he not have a girlfriend he came to the Beach with? He got into trouble with the militants because he wanted to protect her, and here he was, flirting with you.

Suddenly, Kuina appeared in front of Chishiya and blocked his view of you.

"Are you jealous?" she asked, sitting down and looked over her shoulder to where you were with Arisu. "Looks like they are having a lot of fun."

"I'm not jealous," Chishiya denied. "It's not my business whoever they talk to."

"Huh? Really?" Kuina asked, leaning forward. She held out one finger and poked Chishiya between his brows. "Cos your brows are basically knitted into one right now. There's no shame in admitting jealousy. Everyone gets a little jealous every now and then, especially when you see someone you like talking to someone else."

"I said, I'm not jealous."


But he was. He was so jealous.

Green was not a good colour on anyone, but he could not help himself. He wanted to be the only person who could make you smile, and make you laugh.

Chishiya lifted your chin and looked into your eyes.

"Tell me, who do you love?"

"What? What are you talking about, Chishiya?"

"Who do you love?"


"Not Arisu?"

"Why would I love him?"

"Then make sure you show him these next time you see him."

With that, Chishiya buried his face in your neck once again, marking you over and over again until there was not a single spot on your neck that was not bruised. 

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