Niragi x Chishiya

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A/N: This is a request by @squschimochi. Sorry if it's a little short and not what you expected it to be. I've never written BL before and this is more like a crush than straight out BL. 


He irritated the hell out of him.

God, those condescending eyes, and that condescending tone. He acted as if he was the only clever one in the room. Sure Niragi was not as quick as he was on his feet, but he had survived Borderland thus far for a reason. He specialised in Diamonds games too, but everyone was hailing Chishiya as the genius.

So why could he not stop thinking about him?

That smug smile of his, how Niragi would love to wipe it off his face. Tie him up in bed and ravish him. Would he still be arrogant then?

Walking into the conference room with his rifle resting on his shoulder as usual, Niragi narrowed his eyes on Chishiya who was already in the room. Look at that confident smile he has on, Niragi thought, one day I'll show you who's the smarter one.

"Well done on another successful card hunt last night," Hatter smiled. "I'm so glad to have all of you as my executives. Now, the games will be starting soon. Who amongst you needs to extend your visas?"

Both Chishiya and Niragi raised their hands.

"Perfect! Then you shall both head on to the same game. Two brains are better than one after all."

Niragi scowled. He could clear the game by himself, he did not need Chishiya.

"Looks like we're on the same team tonight," Chishiya said, walking up to Niragi as the meeting was dismissed and everyone was leaving. "Try not to die and be a burden."

"I could say the same about you."

"Would be a shame if you died. No more pretty face to look at."

It was a passing comment by Chishiya, though somehow Niragi was flustered. For a second there, he nearly lost hold of his tough image. Was Chishiya just teasing? Was he toying with Niragi? He would not put it past Chishiya to mess with his mind before a game just so he would screw up and lose his life.


"I thought I told you to try and not to die?"


Coming back from the game, only Chishiya and Niragi survived the game but not without a few scratches. Chishiya got away with a few scratches on his arms but Niragi was hurt a lot more seriously than he was.

Perhaps it was the fact that they were paired together for the game tonight but it seemed like Niragi was much more reckless than he normally was, hence the two big cuts on his right arm and one running from his right eyebrow down to his cheek.

With Ann busy with other members, Niragi was stuck with the medical student Chishiya. And he was not thrilled to be treated by him.

"Hey!" Swatting Chishiya's hand away, Niragi was wincing from the antiseptic wipes.

"What a big baby," Chishiya sighed, grabbing him by the wrist and continued with treating his wound, ignoring the screams of pain and the writhing. As someone who carried around a rifle on his shoulder constantly, it was really eye-opening to see Niragi acting like such a wuss from having his wound cleaned. "You're going to need stitches."

"Then fucking do it."

In under ten minutes, Chishiya stitched up the two cuts he had on his arm and went on to take a look at the one on his face. Holding his face with one hand, he tilted Niragi's head to the side and leaned closer to take a better look.

Niragi could feel Chishiya's hot breath on his neck, and he was getting a little uncomfortable. Not because he was disgusted by it, but because he was actually enjoying how close the other man was to him.

Fuck, what kind of spell was being cast on him?

Though, as Chishiya was leaning close to clean his wound, Niragi could not help but notice how long his eyelashes were. And despite being in a dystopian world where they had to play death games to survive, somehow Chishiya was managing to smell good. Was that his shampoo Niragi was smelling?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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