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 "Alastor have you seen Angel anywhere?" Asked Charlie at the breakfast table that morning.

Nobody else seemed to care as much as she, except maybe Nifty who was more curious than concerned. Alastor was poking at the food on his plate, not desiring it at all. It looked dreadful, clearly, neither of the girls could cook a decent meal. "No, I haven't." He set down his fork. "Perhaps he's in his room?"

With the suggestion, Charlie shrugged. "Could you go check on him?" She said with a pleading smile. 

Nobody wanted to go into Angel's room, not with everything laying around. Charlie had nearly passed out from a heat stroke at how much self-embarrassment she'd gotten.

Sighing, the redhead stood from his chair. "Yes, I suppose."

"No funny business," Vaggie warned, pointing her fork at the wendigo as if it were a spear.

Alastor let out a hearty laugh with a hand to his chest. "Of I wouldn't dream of it. What do you take me for?"

"A sinner." She grumbled, turning back to her plate. Eating her food with a smile and complimenting Charlie on a job well done.

Her comment was ignored by the deer demon as he left the dining room. Walked through the main hall where no sinners waited to be checked in. Then turned down the hallway that lead to the room of the only patron in this hotel.

With a rhythmic knock, Alastor hummed, "oh Angel? Are you in there?" No reply, so he knocked once more. "Angel?" Still nothing. He looked around the hallway, checking that nobody was there. "I'm coming in 'Cher." He said loud enough for Angel to hear him.

Naturally, the door was locked, but with a bit of magic and the snap of his fingers, it was an easy fix. His nose wrinkled as he entered the darkroom, the blinds weren't even drawn. Red eyes glowing in the dark, Alastor could make out the lump under the sheets on the bed.

He closed the door behind him, stepping over items on the floor. Messy as always. But it wasn't like Angel had much time to clean it anyway. The mattress dipped as Alastor sat on the edge of it, his eyes falling on the sleeping spider. Hair astrew and bangs over his sleeping eyelids. His voice was low as Alastor whispered, "Angel? Wake up, darling..." A soft groan came from the spider's throat. Turning and hiding his face in the pillow.

"Don' wanna..." He muttered into the pillow.

Alastor shook his head, "that won't do dear. Your presence is requested at breakfast." Angel didn't seem to care, ignoring the wendigo as he hugged his pillow. "Come on now," he grabbed his shoulder, "early bird catches the-"

"I said I don't wanna!" Angel yelled, throwing the pillow at Alastor's face before flopping back onto the bed. Grabbing his other pillow and hugging that one.

The redhead only stared, brows raised and red eyes on the spider's back. "Cher, what's wrong?" He leaned down, brushing some hair from Angel's face.

"I just wanna stay in bed today okay?" He pouted, frowning as he eyed the pillow.

The redhead hummed, "did something happen?" He asked, undoing the buttons of his jacket 

and slipping it off. "Or would you rather not talk about it?" He hung it on the nightstand beside the bed.

"It was just Val dats all. I just don't feel like gettin' outta bed today. Don't have the energy to deal with people." His lips pressed together, throat tightening.

Alastor's lips dipped as he listened, leaning down to remove his shoes. "I understand amor." He replied. "You can stay in bed, but I want you to eat something later alright?" With the shoes off he moved onto the mattress.

Angel hummed in reply, turning as he felt Alastor lay down beside him. A smile pulled at his lips as the wendigo opened his arms to his boyfriend. With a sigh, the spider moved into his lover's embrace, happily closing his eyes and intaking the wendigo's scent. "Thank you." The spider whispered, his body relaxing in the safety and comfort of his partner's arms.

Alastor's smile softened, closing his eyes as he wrapped his arms around his partner's back. Pulling him closer. "You're welcome, my love." 

This was really short but I'm feeling down today so I wanted to write something kinda cute and sweet. And also share it in case anyone else is having a bad day and need some cheering up.

Thanks for reading.

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