Are you afraid to love people?

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Hello my lovely readers, I'm bored again. Attempted drawing but artblocks a thing now so. But I felt like writing, and for once, not radiodust. So instead I decided to give another ship within that universe a shot. Yes I know it's what's on the cover but I didn't feel like making another oneshot book JUST for this.I believe this is my first time writing for this ship so I'm not too familiar with the characters or writing them. So feel free (if you guys do read this) to give me your opinion on it. Who knows maybe I'll end writing a book about them one day and your feedback on what I can improve on can help.

Anyway I'm gonna shut up enjoy!

Okay, he'd done a LOT of bad things. He wasn't afraid to admit to something like this. But then who the hell was perfect in well..hell? Nobody, that's who! So what if he was fucking someone just for a book? Who hadn't? And it wasn't like it was the first time he'd done it either. There was a reason he had a couple people gunning for his head after all.

He's a heartless business man with the exception of his daughter. And maybe his colleagues if they weren't such a pain in the ass all the time.

...That's how things were supposed to be. That's how things had to be. Otherwise you got torn apart. Both figuratively and literally.

"Are you alright?" He sounded worried just for a second. "How the FUCK did you get caught by humans?" ..No, he was just worried about himself. "Am I going to get any thanks for the rescue Blizy?" About his sex toy.

That's all he was to any of them, wasn't he? Just a quick shag.

I believe your self-consciousness is trying to tell you that you cannot fathom proper intimacy.

How the hell was someone supposed to understand something if they've never been able to have it in the first place...If nobody ever gave him the chance?

Rubbing his eyes, his tried to clear away the thoughts. With a sigh, he focused his attention on the papers littering his desk. It was an early start at the office and he'd come in super early. Like always. He should get another promotion for all the hard work he'd been doing lately. Something to note down later to do. Maybe even throw himself a little office party.

His claws sifted through the papers. Clients sending in their requests. Not that Blizo was picky but he didn't feel like doing too much work today. So trying to find an easier one among the pile would be nice.

"...Hm, cheating husband, cheating husband, cheating husband, cross dressing cheating husband. Cheating wife. Cheated out of a threesome." Blizo rolled his eyes, tossing paper aside and letting it flop onto the floor. "Boooring. Come on everyone in hell's been cheated on before your not fuckin' special." He said to an empty room. With a loud groan he went back to the papers. "Isn't there anything interesting in here? Ooh- sister stole hoarse, seeking revenge for the hoarse." He slammed his hand down on the desk. "Fuck ya! Now were talkin!"

Just as Blizo decided on an objective for the day, he heard the doorknob twisting. Probably Moxie since he was always second earliest into the office. Even on Saturdays. When he called them in. On their days off. "

Flopping back into his chair and kicking his feet up. Blizo closed his eyes to relax a little before the day started. As he heard the door open as called to the imp, "Hey Moxie! Your shrimp dick ass better have some coffee or we are going to have a problem."

"Is that truly how you speak to your employees?" He opened his eyes, looking at the doorway. To find not Moixe - obviously - but rather the birdbrain himself.

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