AU #4

453 20 14

...One, two, three o'clock, four o'clock, rock

Five, six, seven o'clock, eight o'clock, rock...

He hummed along to the tune playing from the radio as his hands drummed on the steering wheel.

It was another rowdy evening in New York City and on this Friday night, quite a few people were out either drinking or at one of the many clubs around the city.

For this man, he had more in mind.

The black car came to a slow and easy stop in front of one of the many buildings on this main street. But it was not the building he was interested in. Instead, his eyes narrowed on the alleyway beside it.

As he cut the engine, he opened the glove box checking the slip of paper. Yes, this was the right place.

He shook his head, leaning back in his seat and taking the cigarette from his lips allowing the smoke to flow into the air. A sigh escaped him, he'd been notified about this two weeks in advance. And now that he finally located them, amount of preparation could prepare him for this.

The cigarette was put out in the ashtray on the dashboard. He took off his black fedora carding his fingers through brown locks. After confirming the knife in his suit pocket he nodded, unlocking the door.

"Here we go."

He placed the cap back on, stepping out from the black motor car and striding into the alleyway. As suspected, at the end, away from the lights of the street was a metal door.

The brunette firmly knocked three times on the door before the slit opened, revealing a pair of eyes.

"Valentino." He stated.

After a moment, the slit closed and the door opened. The brunette tipped his hat in thanks as he stepped through the door. A pair of stairs greeted him with a small pink neon sign. He didn't bother reading it.

It was honestly a poor decision to make that the code but he expected as much from a self-centered man like that.

He descended the stairs, he could already hear the loud thumping of club music as he reached the bottom. Distasteful.

With a knock to the door at the bottom, another man answered. He easily paid the rather pricy fee and he finally stepped into the dreadful place. His nose wrinkled before he even went through the door, a strong stench of sweat and sex in the air. The smell of cigarettes and alcohol was also there but didn't bother him.

As he walked into the large underground establishment he shook his head again. It quite literally looked as if someone had taken a mound of drugs and this was their fever dream.

The darkroom was doused in the purple and blue lights that decorated the ceiling. Black carpet and walls only adding to that dark atmosphere. Tables scattered across the floor but none of them were really suitable to eat on considering they were pole-dancing tables.

He didn't look much at those.

A faint smoke hung in the air, whether it was due to the cigarettes or...he hoped it was due to the cigarettes.

Couches were nestled against the far walls where men ogled at those dancers with drinks or cigarettes in hand. But what drew the man's attention, was the stage at the center of the room that leads to a round platform more with a pole.

His eyes narrowed on the dancer there, dressed just as lewdly as the others. They were a blonde, face heavily decorated in makeup though he doubted anyone was looking at their face.

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