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Blonde girl sees brunette girl and makes eye contact.
Brunette girl warmly smiles and waves blonde girl over.
They chat throughout the rest of the party and exchange numbers.
Over the months, blonde girl falls in love with brunette girl but doesn't know how to tell her. Only stupid teenagers, blonde girl distances herself from brunette girl.
Brunette girl thinks she did something wrong and breaks up with blonde girl because she doesn't feel like enough.
Both heartbroken, they try and move on but fail time and time again.
Both girls graduate and go their separate ways, off to college and into the world.
Blonde girl has moved on but constantly wonders what could have been if she had told brunette girl how she felt.
Brunette girl has moved on but shoves blonde girl from her thoughts. 

Years pass.
Blonde girl travels the world, receiving her pay for the millions of likes on Instagram.
Brunette girl is a successful pharmacist in her new home, Paris, France.
Their shared memories are not forgotten, but they choose to forget.

Blonde girl visits the Eiffel Tower and poses for several pictures.
Brunette girl sits at a café and works on a report due the next day. 
Blonde girl finds a coffee shop to rest her feet and take a break from touring.

Upon entering, blonde girl notices brunette girl.
Brunette girl looks up and finds blonde girl staring at her.
A spark kindles the old flame that was once there.
They've found each other again.

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