I want to sit above all the rooftops,
Eat ice cream and scream at the top of my lungs
With a person I love.I want to experience much more
Than this small town has to offer,
To leave it all behind without a second thought.I want to escape my reality,
School, study homework, sleep, repeat,
It's exhausting to be the straight-A, perfect student your parents want.I want the waves of sadness to abate,
To be gone and never return,
It's too much when I'm already struggling as a student.I want to do everything that scares me,
Make my life more exciting and increase my level of happiness,
If only I was so brave.I want to be free,
No one to hold me back or talk me down,
But I'm shackled in society's chains.I want to live.
Beautiful Little Thoughts
Cerita PendekMostly poems, but a few thoughts I wanted to write down. :) NOTE: My free time is limited, but I'll do my best to add a few poems every so often.