Chapter 9

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A/N - Another awesome piece done by haru-snixx on tumblr up above there! Still can't get over how dope it is.

When Monday morning rolls around, Brittany has no trouble waking up to start her day. In fact, she barely grumbles as she does a stretch before getting ready for her usual morning run. Most of the time, Mondays are the hardest for her since it means getting back into her busy routine for the week but today feels different.

Actually, the whole weekend has felt different.

Brittany feels weirdly well-rested although she didn't really get much sleep last night because she spent most of it texting Santana. They weren't even talking about anything important, but Brittany couldn't get enough of her even after the day they spent together.

Like they agreed upon, Santana tagged along with her and Pete to the park where they both watched Pete swing. Neither of them could help glancing over by the pond though and Brittany definitely couldn't help but to remember all that happened there. She bets Santana was thinking the same judging by the coy smirk Brittany caught her wearing when their eyes finally met. The look made Brittany blush, but they were soon interrupted by Pete begging one of them to push him on the swings.

It was a great afternoon at the park followed by lunch back at the Pierce residence where Brittany made everyone sandwiches. Pete talked animatedly about this show he watched at their grandparents' house in between bites of his ham and cheese. Santana followed along just as enthusiastically which made Brittany's heart just about burst. She found herself wondering if anyone else knew of Santana's softer side or if this was just for them.

Either way, it was nice and easy and even if Brittany was dealing with a hangover from hell it was okay, because once Pete fell into a food coma Santana kissed away all her worries.

And it was different, kissing Santana completely sober. There was nothing in her system that could blur the way she felt in that moment, nothing else to pin those dizzy feelings on.

Everything she felt was purely because of Santana.

It was something Brittany wondered about before Santana came over that day. What would happen once the alcohol wore off? Would Santana regret everything? Would Brittany? Would things become awkward and uncomfortable to the point where they'd have to stop being friends?

Santana put a rest to most of Brittany's burning questions just by showing up after everything that happened that night, then she assured Brittany by pushing her up against the kitchen counter and kissing her hard after Pete fell asleep on the couch.

Of course, that's just how Brittany's interpreting it all so that she can make sense of how quickly their friendship has changed. If Santana regretted anything they did, it definitely didn't show so it must mean that they're okay.

But again, Brittany's just guessing because they haven't actually had a conversation. Right now, it's like she's in limbo and she's not sure how she feels about that yet.


When Brittany arrives at McKinley High an hour or so later, Santana's just pulling into the Senior parking lot. The quarterback lingers by her car as she watches Santana get out of hers. It's crazy how much she's drawn to her but it has always been like that. The only difference now is that she knows what Santana's lips feel like on her skin and how much she loves kissing her.

There's also Santana's habit of looking super hot while doing the most ordinary things – for example, putting on her bookbag. She's just gorgeous, simple as that, and Brittany can't help but to be easily distracted by her.

"Mornin'," Santana says casually as she walks past Brittany before taking sip of her coffee.

Leave it to Santana to make a pit stop at the Lima Bean before class, but she's as pretty as ever in her Cheerios uniform. Even her voice has a little bit of a rasp to it and it just reminds Brittany of how long they stayed up the night before talking to each other.  

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