Chapter 5

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Homecoming is finally here and Santana is a bag of nerves. 

She's trying her hardest to keep her cool and do the things she normally would in preparation for the night, but nothing's able to distract her. It's actually embarrassing how nervous she feels and she's so relived that Quinn isn't around to point it out, Lord knows that girl would get such a kick out of it.

Santana's nearly done applying the finishing touches to her make up when Maribel knocks at her bedroom door. She lowers her mascara wand and calls out for her to come in while she turns down the music.

"Oh mija," Maribel coos as she takes in the sight of her daughter all glammed up in her usual choice of color. She brings her hand to cover her heart as a smile stretches across her face, "You look beautiful."

"Thanks mami," Santana mumbles a bit bashfully.

Maribel reaches out to fix a whisp of Santana's waves that's gone out of place, "You know I use to curl my hair just like that when I was your age."

"Why didn't you tell me before I did all this?" Santana jokes, "I would've opted to go straight."

Maribel gives her a knowing look and Santana can't decide if she wants to laugh or hide her face in her hands. She's already a nervous wreck, but thankfully her mom doesn't linger too long on her phrasing.

"Hey, your mother was hot back in the day," Maribel warns playfully, "Who do you think you get your good looks from? Papi?"

"True," Santana giggles.

"How come you and Quinn didn't get ready here?" Maribel mentions, "You always do."

Santana shrugs, "We decided to change things up this time. Her mom was getting jealous you always got to see Quinn first."

"I see," Maribel nods, "Well, who did you decide on taking? You never told me."

Santana bites her lip as she turns away to find her purse She was hoping to avoid the questions until after the dance, but she should've known better. Still, she tries to be vague about it all.

"I'm going with someone on the football team like always," Santana says dismissively hoping that'll be the end of that.

"It's not that Puckerman boy, is it?" Maribel warns as Santana comes to sit at the edge of her bed to put on her heels, "Your father hates him."

"No, it's not him," Santana answers easily, too easily that she doesn't catch the slip-up before it happens, "She's new to the school."

Santana freezes as panic starts to settle into her bones. She's not sure what to expect from Maribel so she just stares wide-eyed at fumbling with the straps. The seconds that tick by feel like hours but then Maribel finally says something.

"Brittany," Maribel says softly, "That's her name, right? You said she was new to school the other week."

Santana takes a peek over at Maribel to find that she doesn't look angry. She's just looking at Santana in that soft way moms do when they see their kid struggling with something.

It makes Santana want to cry for some reason; out of relief or out of guilt? She's not sure.

"Yeah, I – I'm just..." Santana starts stammering for an excuse, "She was going to go alone a – and she...we thought that it would be okay because I'm a– "

"Santana," Maribel coos as comes to sit next to Santana. She wraps an arm around her daughter's shoulders, "You don't have to explain."

Santana just nods; the lump in her throat too big to get any words around. Her sexuality is still that thing no one talks about – mostly because of her father – but she's always terrified of alluding to it too. Maribel makes her feel like it's a little okay though as she just rubs at Santana's shoulder until she feels the tension slowly start to ease.

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