Chapter 14

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As exhausting as it has been for her to deal with the student body this past week, Brittany's feeling more amped up than ever as she wakes early Friday morning. Firstly, it marks the end of such a weird week. Secondly, it's the first Friday she has had off since school started. Thirdly, she and Santana are going on their first date tonight.

Brittany's got a lot of things going for her today and there isn't anything that can bring her down from the incredible mood she's in! She just hopes that the school day goes by as fast as this entire week has.


Brittany's all smiles as she puts her car in park and looks over to Santana through her passenger side window. When she catches Santana's eye, Brittany gives the Co-Captain a little wave before reaching over to grab her book bag and hopping out.

"Hey Britt," Santana greets happily as she gets out of her car too. She ends up doing a double take when she sees that Brittany's put in a little more effort than usual with her hair and make up today.

Brittany blushes a little as she watches Santana check her out. Fridays are usually the days she wears her jersey and letterman jacket, but since the Titans don't have a game today she figured she'd spend a little extra time getting ready. After all, it's kind of a special day.

"Can you be a little less obvious?" Brittany jokes and Santana's gaze quickly shoots up to meet hers.

"Sorry," Santana says bashfully, "I'm just – you look really good. I mean, you always look good but even more so today."

Brittany gives her a shy smile as she tucks her hair behind her ear, "Thanks, Santana."

Santana returns the expression with her own little grin before she's sliding her pinky into Brittany's as if it's second nature by now. Brittany tries to keep her cool as Santana gives her finger a little squeeze.

"Ready to head inside?" Santana asks casually, "I have to stop by Ms. Pillsbury's office before class but I can walk with you to our lockers first."

Brittany can only nod before letting Santana lead the way.


When they go their separate ways, Brittany so wishes she could just bend down and kiss Santana. She knows she could, but she likes where they are and how they've been progressing even if it's a little slow. Santana's baby steps are more than Brittany could ask for!

As the quarterback enters her first class of the day, she spots Kurt sitting in his usual seat and quickly makes her way over. Her text yesterday to him had gone unanswered so this is the first time she has gotten to speak to him since she found out about what the hockey team did.

"Hey Kurt," Brittany greets before taking her seat next to him. She's unsure if she should ask how he is considering he looks like he hasn't slept all night judging by the bags under his eyes.

"Hello," He says quietly, "Sorry I didn't respond to your text yesterday."

"Don't be," Brittany assures him, "How...are you?"

Kurt shrugs before he lets out a sigh, "It wasn't the first time I've been slushied like that. It's more annoying than anything. I worked so hard on that blazer and it's completely ruined now."

"I'm so sorry, Kurt," Brittany frowns, "I spoke with Rick and some of his guys yesterday so hopefully that's the last time he slushies anyone. They're trying to get a rise out of us on purpose, make us throw the game because they know Figgins suspends people for fighting."

"If they aren't winning, I guess no one else can either," Kurt replies as he shakes his head.


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