Chapter 16

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Despite the pristine shape Brittany keeps herself in, she breathes heavily in the crisp December air. Her lungs feel like they're growing icicles and she's struggling to keep her hands from going numb in the frigid temperature. There's no doubt her nose is as red as Rudolph's by now and she can barely feel her lips as she calls out play after play, but she persists.

She always persists.

Afterall, this is the last football practice of her high school career. It's an important milestone for her but the couple of hours Coach Beiste added to practice makes it a little harder to enjoy – especially now that the sun sets earlier and the temperature drops faster. But Brittany figures high school football practices are a walk in the park compared to college level, so she goes through the motions as per usual and soaks in the moment while it lasts.

At the sound of Coach Beiste's whistle, everyone gets set for another play and Brittany readies herself for the snap.

When the ball is hiked, Brittany takes it into her hands and tries to drop back so she can fire downfield. The Titan defense is too aggressive for her new O-Line though and soon the pocket she's in begins to collapse. Defensive players are coming at her from all angles so she has to duck and dodge. It's a mad scramble to avoid a sack but there's nothing more to do than to throw the ball away for an incompletion.

When the play is called dead, there's some shoving amongst her frustrated linemen but she wedges herself in between the guys, forcing them apart with a firm push. The tension has been growing since last night's practice, but they can't fall apart now. There's too much at stake.

"It's alright, guys! We're almost there!" Brittany tries to encourage her team although she's starting to sense the discouragement, "Keep pushing! We'll get this."

"Jackson! Ridley! You have got to step it up," Coach drills for the tenth time, "Pierce was this close to a sack. You have to offer more protection than that or we're getting our butts handed to us tomorrow night."

The replacements for Azimio and Karofsky nod diligently. The two eagerly accepted the challenge when Coach Beiste called upon them to step up after dismissing Azimio and Karofsky. The only problem is that they mostly practiced on defense so protecting the quarterback is new terrain for them.

"This isn't Carmel's first rodeo, folks. They're the defending champs for how many years now? We have to do better than this. I know we can, we wouldn't have a record like ours if we couldn't," Coach continues.

And it's true. From where the Titans were as a team in the beginning of the season to now is a drastic improvement. Hell, they're playing better than they ever have! The loss of Azimio and Karofsky was only a minor setback, but the team has faced adversity before and they can do it again.

Besides, they're better off without them.

"Carmel's time at the top is over," Brittany adds as she looks around at her team, "Right, Titans?"

The team starts to hype themselves up again as they cheer on Brittany's words and the quarterback smiles proudly at the response.

"Alright, let's run it again and this time hold the line longer than half a second," Coach instructs, "We know Pierces has wheels, but she shouldn't have to scramble. Line up!"

The Titans all gravitate back to the line of scrimmage at the Coach's command and begin again.

With only two practices on offense under the replacements' belt and the big game just a mere 24 hours away, all Brittany can do now is have faith that they'll be able to iron out most of the kinks and everything will work out just fine.

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