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A/N - I'm not usually into fluff, but I figured we all might need it today.

Thinking of you all <3

Once again, Brittany finds herself standing alone in her bedroom surrounded by boxes. It's a little weird seeing her room looking so bare, but this move doesn't drudge up the same kind of mournful feelings the last one did. This time there's excitement, there's anticipation, there's –

"Hey B," Santana gives a little tap at Brittany's bedroom door. "Need a hand?"

Brittany turns to find Santana giving her that same soft grin she has come to adore. She's leaned against the door frame, clad in her jean cut-offs and a plain t-shirt, and Brittany's never been so enamored.

"What?" Santana's grin widens.

Brittany smirks, "Can't I check out my hot girlfriend?"

Santana rolls her eyes although her cheeks flush, "Smooth as ever."

"You know it," Brittany winks before she goes to zip her suitcase. "You'll be happy to know that I've finally finished packing my room. It's been a super productive afternoon."

Santana sputters out a laugh as she glances around Brittany's bedroom. The walls are bare aside from a couple framed pictures Brittany couldn't find it in herself to take down. The desk by the window is neat and tidy for once too, but what makes Santana stop are the two gold crowns hanging off of one of Brittany's football trophies.

"Not taking these?"

Brittany turns to find Santana pulling one off and putting it on. She looks just as regal as she did on Prom night and it makes Brittany's heart feel so full. She can't help but reminisce at how beautiful Santana looked all done up – she really took her breath away that night.

"You'd love that, wouldn't you?" Brittany teases, "Too bad Quinn will be at Yale. I'm sure she's going to miss the constant reminder that we won instead of her and Mike."

"I can still text her," Santana quips as she takes off the crown and sets it down where she found it. She goes back to looking around the room again, "It doesn't look like you in here anymore."

"Yeah," Brittany sighs as she looks around too. Her eyes settle on Santana and she begins to grin, "But it'll be so much fun decorating our own place together. It'll look like the both of us."

"True," Santana grins, "I can't wait."

"Me neither!"

"I can't believe how fast the year went by," Santana mentions, "It feels like just yesterday that I was jumping off swings with you."

"You mean head-butting me?" Brittany jokes.

"That too," Santana laughs, "And now we're off to college...together."

"Not just yet," Brittany reminds her with a pat to her suitcase.

"That's right," Santana nods to it, "That everything?

Brittany looks down and smiles, "Yup!"

Santana eyes the lone bag warily, "You're only bringing one?"

"We're only going for two weeks," Brittany replies with a giggle, "You'd be surprised how much I fit in here. Bikinis don't take up that much space which is a plus."

She looks to Santana again hoping to see a smile but instead she finds her worrying her bottom lip. It makes Brittany chuckle as she closes the distance between them. Once she's close enough, her hands land on Santana's hips.

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