Chapter 3

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By early October, Brittany has finally adapted to her busy schedule. With Autumn settling in, the mornings are a lot cooler but Brittany finds the crisp air refreshing when she's out on her daily runs before class. Winters in Florida weren't really all that cold, so this is all new to her.

Brittany takes it in stride though; in fact, she's interested to see how the colder weather will impact her playing when it comes to Game Days. So far, the team is 5-0 now with just seven more games left of the regular season. Everyone on the team is feeling good about their current standings, but Brittany knows it's wise not to let it get to their heads.

Cockiness doesn't mesh well with an undefeated record. She knows that one from experience.


Brittany's in the locker room just after practice one Wednesday and she's a hot, sweaty mess. Her hair is sure to be all over the place, but she's too tired to care about appearances after such a grueling session. All she wants is a shower and to be able to scrub the dirt and dust caked on her arms and shins. Maybe a nice face mask too? She'll wait until she's home for that one though.

"Woah," Santana gasps when she rounds the wall of lockers designated for the Cheerios and nearly runs into Brittany. She eyes her up and down and smirks, "You look like you've been rolling around in mud."

Brittany chuckles at her comment. Since Santana's surprise visit a couple weeks ago, things between them have been a lot better. They actually talk and sometimes they even walk together to their last class if Brittany gets to her locker in time. It's a nice change and it makes her school days a whole lot easier.

"Yeah, these new drills Coach Beiste has us doing are intense," Brittany sighs but a happy smile soon graces her lips, "I didn't expect to see you here still."

"Me neither," Santana groans, "Coach Sylvester wants Quinn and I to hang back and help come up with routines for Homecoming Week."

"Is it that time already?" Brittany wonders aloud, "That would explain the extra drills."

"Yeah, it's next week," Santana answers, "It's one of the most busiest times for the squad. Honestly, Spirit Week should be renamed Hell Week because that's where I'd rather be than to deal with all this extra work."

"The perks of being Co-Captain," Brittany teases before she asks, "Is it really that bad?"

"Small town high schools go apeshit over events like this," Santana explains, "You'll see. Quinn and I have to start campaigning for Homecoming Court as well, it's kind of mandatory for us. I'm sure you'll probably get roped into something too being that you're the quarterback and all."

"I hope not," Brittany scrunches her nose, "I hate the extra attention when I'm not on the field. It's super weird being treated like some kind of celebrity."

Santana smiles apologetically and echoes Brittany's earlier words, "The perks of being QB."

Brittany grumbles through her pout. It makes Santana's smile soften.

"Well, I'll let you get cleaned up," Santana says and shakes her phone, "Quinn's finally back from our coffee run so I better go meet her."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then!" Brittany waves as they go their separate ways.


When Friday comes around, the Titans are more amped up than ever. The guys are dressed in their jeans and jerseys and strut around the school like they own it. Brittany wears her jersey as well seeing that it's tradition on Game Days, but she starts to notice the annoyed glares they get from some of the other teams.

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