Chapter 6: The Makeup

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I wake the next morning still thinking about Jacob and the kiss. I lay there in my own head just thinking about everything. Jacob, Carmello, and how my life could be in danger if Zamari tells anyone about what happened to me. I get up to go take a shower, since I got up early. I saw I had some miss calls from Mello, when I got out the shower. I thought it was time I talk to him so I called him back and we agreed meet up.

I got in my car and drove to our fav spot. "Dans sushi house"...the best place to get sushi. Mello and I love this place. I saw him inside and went in.
"Hey..." he said looking up at me.
"Hi..." i said.

It was quite an awkward moment. However, I sat down and he started talking. He said sorry for what happened to me and we ended uo laughing about it. I ordered a volcano roll while he ordered a crunchy roll. I ended up taking some of his. We talked and laughed and had a great time. He paid for the bill. Such a gentlemen.

We hugged goodbye and went on our marry way. I got home and got a text from a random number.

R: Sup four eyes
J: Jocab?
R: Yep
J: How the hell you get my number?
R: I have my ways love.😉
J:🙄 Oh great...
R: Wyd
J: Bout to sit on my roof and watch the stars. Hbu
R: Bout to meet you up there be right there.

I climbed out my window and sat on my roof. Jacob somehow was already up there. I looked up at the stars and felt his gaze on me. I lookhxdvked at him and saw fire in his eyes. Like he has seen it all. Something that reeled me in. I want to see what he has seen. I noticed how I zoned out and he had moved next to me with his arm around my shoulder. I felt warm and safe in his arms. Laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

It felt nice. I dont know whats happening but I didnt want it to stop. He made me feel so safe and comfortable. Thats when I opened my eyes to him saying....

Will you be my girlfriend........

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