First Day

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I wake up for the first day of Senior year. I am not looking forward to it at all. I haven't talked to my best friend all summer. He has been so busy but, with what it's freaking summer. I just gotta get through the day. I wonder if he will be there today. I get ready for school and grab an apple for breakfast. "Jordan you going to need more than an apple to eat.", said my mom. " I will be fine. I'm not really that hungry anyway.", I say. I walk out the door to catch the bus. When I get on I see him, My bestfriend.

He waves me over yelling, " Yo Jordan sit next
to me!" So I sat next to him. He has changed a lot since last I saw him. Much taller then he use to be. "Wassup Jordan!" he says with a smile. "Hey Carmello!" I say happy to see him. He hugs me and we catch up on our way to school. We get off the bus and go off to eat breakfast. "So anything crazy happened lately? Did u miss me?!" He says with a smirk. I roll my eyes. "Been pretty boring but, yea I missed you. Where you been all summer?" I asked confused. "That's my business." As he winks. I face palm and wave him bye as I head to class.

I had Ms.Colemans history class. All the seats were filled so I sat next to a girl. " Hi I'm Jordan!" I say. "I'm Zz! Nice to meet you." She says with a smile. I knew then it would be a start of a beautiful friendship. We end up talking the whole class and decided to sit with each other at lunch after 3rd period. It was lunch time and I catch Zz in line. We grabbed our food and sat at a table. "How is class going so far?" I ask her. " I am tired and wanna go to bed!" She says laughing. I laugh. Carmello comes to the table and sit across from me. "Hey bestfriend!" I say. "Wasssgood bestfriend!" He says as we do this weird hand shake he taught me. "Who's this?", he ask. "This is Zz! Zz this is my bsf Carmello." Zz looks at him and says,"Sup!"

After lunch we all get each other insta and head to our bus. "Aren't you taking the bus bsf?" I say confused on why he isnt getting on. " No I got a ride." He says. I watch as he gets in the car and sees another guy. He looked sketchy but, I decided to mind my business and got on my bus. I was finally home and I layed on my bed and started texting Zz and Carmello to see if they got home. Zz answered but Carmello didn't. I got a bit worried but I tried to stop thinking about it and did my homework.

It was about 11 pm and Carmello finally replied. I texted him asking him what took him so long to answer and he told me don't worry about it. That he was just busy. I told him I was worried and he said to just chill. I told him and Zz gnite and went to bed.

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