Chapter 4: Sick

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I wake up and decide to not go to school today. I check my phone have I had 20 missed calls and 15 messages from Carmello. I didn't want to talk to him or see him rn. Zz started texting me. She was wondering why I didn't come to school. I just told her I was sick because, I couldn't tell her the truth. I was out for a few days now. Then my mom finally said I had to go back to school.

I got ready and went outside to catch the bus. I get on and see Carmello on the bus. He waves me over and I ignore him* I see Zamari on my bus and sit next to her* "Hey Zz what you doing here?" "I use to be a car rider but I'm taking the bus now." She says with a smile. We talk the whole bus ride. We got off the bus and headed to our classes. I saw Jacob in my first period. I try not to make eye contact and avoid being seen. "Hey foreyes you sitting with me." He says with a smirk. I walk to the seat next to him and sit. He start playing with my hair and talking to me with his deep voice.

I couldn't help but to not like his voice. It was very calming and attractive. "Your very pretty." He says. I blush a bit and start to feel his hand on my thigh. I was very nervous. "What are you doing?" I say nervously. He starts kissing my neck as he rubs on my thigh. I push him off. "I don't know who you think you are but, you have no right to touch me like that. He rolled his eyes mumbling buzz kill. I didn't know what to do or how to feel. I thought about it all the way up to lunch. "Jordan you been zoned out for a while are you ok." I look at Zamari and nod. I was so shocked but thrilled at the same time.

Carmello came and sat with us at lunch. Him and Zz mostly talked. I didn't really have anything to say to him. He ended up leaving and we all went to our last class for the day. I got my homework and headed to my bus. Zz caught up with me. "Ever notice you waddle when you walk?" I say laughing. "Leave me alone!" We start laughing and get in the bus. I try to teach her to draw but she gave up to fast. I asked her if she wanted to stay for a study group. She said yes and called to tell her parents.

We got to my house and I unlocked the door. I opened it and saw my mom with someone. "Jordan I want you to meet our neighbor Jacob. He goes to school with you!" I dropped my jaw and my book. So much ran through my head. And mostly the thought was. HES MY NEIGHBOR!

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