Chapter 5: The Kiss

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As I stared at Jacob I was in total shock. He was my new neighbor this is so ridiculous. I already have to deal with him at school now I gotta deal with him at home great. Just what I needed.
"Well don't be rude come say hi!" My mom said
"I don't need to I saw him earlier." I was so mad and grabbed Zamari's hand and pulled her upstairs. I dragged her all the way to my room. "Is that the guy you said was hot?" She says with a smirky grin on her face. I looked at her and told her to shut and as I blush. I started rapidly saying stuff as I walked back and forth in my room.

"Why is he in my house. Out of all neighborhoods that he could of moved into. OUT OF ALL THE HOUSES HE COULD OF MOVED INTO!!!" I kept thinking out loud and I looked at Zz to see she was very confused. I hesitated on telling her why I was so upset and scared. But I knew if I was gonna tell anyone I would tell her. So I sat on my bed next to her and told her everything. I made sure my door was locked and everything in case he come upstairs. I could see she was very worried about me and said we should go to the police but I told her no.

We decided to change the subject and did our home work together. I asked her if she wanted a snack and she said sure. I had to use the bathroom so I would grab them on my way back. I walk out my room and go down stairs. I see my mom is gone so I shrug. I walk to the snack closet and grab some chips. As I closed the door I turned around and Jacob was standing in-front of me. "What you doin four eyes?" He ask in his deep voice as he smiles. "Why are u still here?" I look at him feeling aggravated.
"Your mom say I can stay for dinner. She went to the store to grab a few things." I roll my eyes and try to move away from him but he puts both arms on the wall beside me.

I look into his eyes and he keeps one arm on the wall and wraps the other around my waist. My mind couldn't process what was happened and I had no idea what to do. He slowly starts to kiss my neck. I can't lie it felt good. I came to reality and pushed him away. My face was all red and I avoided eye contact. "What's wrong? Did I make you blush?" I looked at him and saw him smirking and just rolled my eyes and went upstairs.

"What took so long?", Zz says. " I don't wanna talk about it!" I give her a bag of chips and we decided to watch a scary movie until my mom got home to make dinner. We watched bout 2 movies then my mom called us for dinner. We came down stairs and sat at the table. Jacob was still there. I couldn't get what happened off my mind. I looked up at him and he smiled and my face turn red as I looked away. We ate some sushi. It was really good. Jacob finally was leaving. My mom told me to walk him home so I had no choice to.

We walked out the door and started walking to his house which was 2 mins away. "I know you liked it." He says with a smile. "I have no idea what you are talking about." I play dumb. "Mhm" the rest of the walk was quite and I liked it that way. We finally got to his house and I said bye about to walk off. He grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. He looks into my eyes and I look into his. I could I sworn they sparkled in the moon light. He kisses me on my lips and I don't know why but I didn't pull away. He lets go of me and goes in his house. I touch my lips and smiled but quickly shook my head.

I walked home and went in my room to go to bed. I saw Zamari was already in her pjs and I changed. We played games on our phone for and while and she fell asleep. I was up for a bit thinking about what happened today with Jacob. I went sleep and dreamed.

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