Chapter 7: Zz's POV

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It was a Wednesday and I had to stay home so that I can watch my siblings when they come from school. They get out before me so I have to stay home. I'm sitting on my bed when Carmello calls me. I answer the phone.
Zz: "Yolo"
Cm: "Wassup"
Zz: "Nun much hbu?"
Cm:"Waiting for you to unlock the door."
Zz: "Wait your outside?"
Cm: "Yea come on."
He hangs up and I make a confused face. I walk down stairs and open the door. There he was. He was tall and I just found him attractive. He came in and sat down on the couch. I sat next to him. He smelled like weed.
"You ok?" I said concerned
"Not really." He says
He starts venting to me and I listen. I remember that Jordan told me he was in a gang so I could tell he was trying to tell me what's going on with telling me what's going on.

He moves a bit closer and puts his arm around me. I look at him and he looks at me and then he leans in to kiss me. For some reason I didn't resist. I kinda liked it. He tasted like blueberry. He moves his hands to my thigh and starts moving up. As I'm kissing him I can feel him unbutton my pants. I help him take off his shirt and he comes back onto me and kisses me on my neck. His hands slowly go down my pants. I suddenly start feeling pleasure on my clit. Then he goes a bit lower to my spot. I could feel his fingers slowly moving in me.

I moaned as he slowly increases his speed. He stops for a min and pulls down his pants and I see it. He was quite a big thang. He then pulls my pants down and starts teasing me. He then slowly put it in. And omg it hurt but started to feel good as he thrusted. He increased speed and I was moaning and staying omg. He said he was about to cum and I said do it. He came in me and we stopped. He came out and pulled his pants up. I pulled mine up to. He kissed me on the lips and said bye sexy as he winked and left.

My siblings came home and I helped them with their homework and my mind was on him for the rest of the night.

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