Chapter 3: Mafia Gang

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I was sitting in the trunk praying for my life. I tried to pick the lock. I needed to stay calm so they wouldn't hear me, but then I started having a panic attack from being claustrophobic. I couldn't breath and I had no choice but to start banging or I would of passed out. I felt like I was loosing air. I kicked, banged and screamed. The car came to a complete stop. The trunk popped up so I quickly got under the car so they wouldn't see me.

"What was that?" Carmello said as they got out the car. "Probably the stuff in the trunk was moving." I saw them at the trunk and grabbed the bag with the guns. I was so scared and confused. I got up from under the car and noticed I was at a wearhouse. I walked in and heard a guy yelling. That same familiar voice. I hide behide these covered shelf's, to see what's going on. That's when I saw Jacob and Carmello together with some other guys. There was a guy tide to a chair with a blind fold on. My bestfriend took it off him and ask him, "Where's the money Tyler?" "I don't have it!" He says in a scared voice.

He asked him again and he said the same thing. Jacob gave Carmello a nod and he pulled out a gun and put it to the guys head. I was such in a state of shock. I didn't understand what was going on. I couldn't process it. "Tell me where are money is or I will blow your brains out!" I have never seen my bestfriend like this. It scared me. I saw him about to pull the trigger and I jumped out. "STOP!" I yelled. Jacob looked at me and glared. The look on Carmello's face was in shock. I looked at him with disappointment. He looked at Jacob and Jacob gave him a nod.

He started walking towards me and I started backing up. He whispered, " I'm sorry." And he hit me on the head and I blacked out. I wake up later in a car, with my hands and legs tied and tape on my mouth. I move around and see Carmello sitting next to me. I look at him with scared eyes and he looks away. I knew he didn't want this happening but it was. We pulled up to a house and Carmello helped me walk in and sat me down. He left the room. I was sitting there for what felt like hours, then Jacob walked in the room.

"Sooo four eyes. What were you doing sneaking around and how did you find us?" He took the tape off my mouth and I didn't say a word. He told me to talk. " I'm not telling you anything unless you let me go!" He walked over to me and held my face. I pulled away and glared at him. "Feisty!" "I will make a deal with you if you don't say anything that you saw I will let you go." "If I don't?" As I roll my eyes. "I will kill you." He smiled as if he thought it was funny. I agreed. He called in Carmello and told him to take me home.

We didn't speak the whole way. He gave me an ice pack for where he hit me on my head. I wanted to hit him or yell at him. I wanted to do something. But I didn't. I was so speakless. We got to my house and he stopped the car. I could feel his eyes looking at me. "Jordan look..." Before he could say anything, I got out the car and went inside. I layed down and cried myself to sleep. Thinking about what I saw and that I could be killed if I talked.

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