Trunk Drive

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I wake up the next day for school and let out a sigh. I don't like when my bestfriend keeps secrets from me. I'm am worried about him. I start to get dressed for school and head out to catch the bus. When I got on, Carmello wasn't there. I end up having to ride alone. I sat next to Zz in class and told her how worried I was. "I am sure he is fine. He probably overslept." I sighed and thought maybe she was right. I mean people over sleep.

It was time for 3rd period. Me and Carmello had biology together he still wasn't there. It was half way into the class and he walked into class. "Mr.Stephens you are late!" Says the teacher. He rolls his eyes and sits next to me. "Where the hell have u been?!" I say concerned. "I over slept." I look at him and he seems upset so I hold his hand but , he pulls away. Then I notice he had a cut on his face. "What the fuck happened?!" He hides it with his hand and says, " It's nothing junior scratched me."  I don't know why but, I got this sense he was lying. I end up leaving it alone.

It was time for lunch and Zamari sat next to me. "Hey Zz!" "Hey Jordan!" We talked about the homework and if we wanted to link for the week end. I was waiting for. Carmello to sit next to us but he never showed up for lunch. I was so worried, so I told Zamari I was going to go look for him. I walked around the whole school and he was no where. I gave up after a while and went to 4th period with Zz. "Mr. Ricard can you please send Ms. Jordan to the principal's office!" I was very confused when I heard my name. Maybe my mom came to pick me up.

I walked to the principals office and saw her and a boy that look very familiar standing. " You needed me Ms. Lucas?" "This is Mr. Jacob. Mr.Jacob this is Jordan." I look at him and notice he looks me up and down. I got this bad boy vibe from him. And a hole lot of red flags around him. "I want you to show him around the school then to his class." I rolled my eyes and waved him to follow me. I showed him around the school but I could tell he wasn't paying attention. "So four eyes you gonna take me to my class or what?" I looked at him like he was crazy and rolled my eyes. "Your class is right there." As I point to biology. He walked in the class room. I went back to class.

I told Zz all about it and told her that he was kinda hot. We laughed and she made jokes about it. As we were walking to our buses I saw that same black car Carmello got into yesterday. I don't know why but sumin told me that I should find out where he is going. So I got in the trunk. I heard Carmello get in the car and the voice he was talking to sounded familiar. They started driving and I started regretting getting in. I felt around because the trunk was very small and uncomfortable.

I felt under me to see what I was laying on and it was a large case. I opened it and there were guns in it. So many things were running through my head. Is my bsf gonna get shot?! What's going on. But the real question that I was worrying my self with was... what did I get myself into...

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