Stop Being Afraid.

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-Japans POV-

I looked at the pitiful unconcious Canadian.

We managed to find some old campsite to settle down in, somehow Liberia and Meri found us and settled there too.

"I don't think the Canadian is waking up anytime soon." Peru gestured towards him.

I sighed in defeat.

"What's happening out here." I mumbled to myself.

"It's Eric, I can tell." Meri said moving hair out of his adopted brothers face.

"How? How could you say that?" Germany looked like he was ready to smack Meri.

"The only country with the force to hit Canada like this, is Eric." Meri snapped at Germany.

"But why would he do it? And, do whatever he did to Ireland to make him Dissapear?" I asked them.

"Stress? Who knows with him, he's been slowly loosing himself, I told him that back in the cold war... I remember his isolationist days." Peru replied, slowly dropping off at the end.

"He's always been tough, what would make him, just, snap like that?" Liberia dropped his head into his hands and pulled at hair.

'But why now? And in this way.'

"What were the reasons he made to us? We need to figure out what we did to piss him off like this." Germany waved his hands around trying to emphasize his words.

"What do you mean by that." Peru asked, with the rest of us nodding in agreement.

Germany looked down at the ground.

"He mentioned something to me, a promise? Ja, that was it, he said I broke my side of a promise." He looked at us individually stopping for a brief moment over each.

"That doesn't say much, everyone breaks something like that at some point!" Liberia fussed.

'Meri is being quiet.'

"Are we getting out of here anytime soon?" I asked rubbing my bare arms which were begining to become cold.

"I'm not leaving without Eric." Meri said defensively.

"Same goes here, I want to try and help Eric, whatever he may be going through..." Germany touched Meris shoulder quickly in comfort.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the small fire that was lit in the center of our circle.

I saw something out of the corner of my eye.

Meri, who was sitting directly next to me, lifted his hand to his head and tapped it in confusion.

'What's wrong with him?'


I curled my small body into the tightest ball I could.

Behind the wall, in a small box hidden away from the outside, I could hear walls collapsing.

I could recognize the agonizing screams of Hiroshima, silenced in mer seconds.

Mama hid me here, telling me that she would scare away the bad man.

She didn't come back.

How long was she gone?

I felt another sob threatening to rise from my aching chest.

Another impact shook the little shelter I was in, I listened to more shouts of help and the sirens ripping through the air.

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