Pt:2. The War.

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I'm gonna say it now.
The sequel and prequel of this book is going to happen.

Apologies but this chapter is going to be shorter than normal, I got writers block and on top of that nothing much was planned for this chapter.

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_ __ _ _-Young Eric POV- _-1914- __

Holding a glass of water in my hand I scanned the headline of a newspaper.

War In Europe!

"Heh, Dumbasses in Europe.' I said to myself.

Some of my friends are in the war.

I'm just worried about Russian Empire and France though.

Standing up I stretched my back, sighing.

Knock knock

Quietly I scowled under my breath.

"Yes?" I said loudly.

The door clicked open, Washington walked into the room.

"Britain is here to see you. I tried to tell him he hasn't scheduled an appointment with you but he ignored me." Washington explained herself.

Just as she finished telling me I saw my father's figure appear at the door, his form being punctuated by the light behind me.

"Out." He snarled at my capitol.

"Don't talk to her like that." I demanded, glaring at him.

Washington scoffed, turning and leaving the room slamming the door.

"I need to talk to you." He let himself in walking towards me.

"Fuck off, I don't want anything to do with you." I aggresively walked towards him, stopping him in his tracks.

"Look, I know our relation has been strained ever since... you know."

"Ever since you over worked me then made me bleed? Then left me to watch my brother rot?" I said with no hint of backing down.

"There's far worse in Europe right now, I can't hold the Germans back, I need help." Britain tried to grab at me.

"I don't meddle with Europeans." I spat, saying Europeans almost like it left a bad taste in my mouth.

"Huh, you seem awfully fond of meddling with the Russian Empire? Or maybe that friendship you've been going on with Second Reich? Don't act like you don't like to meddle." Britian scolded me.

I turned my head.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Help, you have no idea what a country like you could do to tip the scales in my favour." Britain crossed his arms.

"You have so much and yet a German can kick the stupid crown off your head?" I laughed, this is almost a joke.

"You don't understand how terrifying that man is! I need help!" He begged.

I stood taller.

My father?


Begging for help? Hah, how I could almost see him on his knees now.

"It sounds nice when you plead." I joked, smirking.

"Don't act like you're all powerful! What if he attacks you? You won't stand a chance you're only 17 in the ranks." Britain growled.

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