For What May This Say?

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Meri gripped the car seat tightly.

He was Handcuffed.

On his left, China.

On his right, Washington D.C held his bonded hands in what comfort she could give.

UN was driving.

The passenger had India, and in the backseat Turkey, and Russia.

'I'm surprised Russia recovered this fast.' Meri thought to himself looking at the Russian in military uniform. He had visible bandages over his neck.

"Uhm, is anyone going to talk this is a bit uncomfy." Meri asked trying to get rid of the petrifying silence.

"I have a question... Meri, that's the name right?" Russia asked.

"Yeah that's me, and go ahead, shoot." Meri replied.

Russia took a moment looking at his gun for a second.

"So, how did you and your brothers thing go? Uhm, say, who did what?" Russia managed to say.

"Well, Eric was the 'Poster boy.' You could say. He was more Social than me, he was the 'perfect' one, our dad would be obsessive over our protection, for better or worse," Meri noticed the odd looks, "Britain wasn't abusive let's get that clear, he just was very much overprotective. He didn't like us being alone with any other countries or having any sort of conversation with anyone. And Eric got most of the pressure to be what Britain wanted."

The silence dropped back over the car.

"I've never thought of Eric being the more social of your two, the most we can get from him willingly is an angry growl." China said to me.

Meri laughed a bit.

"Yeah, Eric changed."


"We're here." UN said looking forward at an abandoned building.

Meri swallowed his fear.

The doors on both sides of him popped open, China pulled him through her side while Russia and Turkey exited through the back.

Washington D.C. clamored out her side and rushed to Meris' side.

"I'll have to stay behind Meri, stay well." She said patting the southerners bicep.

He couldn't speak at the moment only watch the building laid in front.

Washington back away a little letting China, Russia, and Turkey push Meri towards the building, UN, and India staying behind.

Meri began his tentative walk towards where his brother hopefully was.

The other behind him audibly loaded their guns raised for the possibility of attack.

The American reached forward and pushed the rusty metal door open.

-the others-

A group of diverse countries sat around in a lounge.

Canada sat with his head buried in Ukraines arms while she gently rubbed his head.

Kosovo was confusingly sitting with Liberia, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Germany, Japan, Poland, Peru, and Scotland sat on the same furniture.

Australia and New Zealand curled up on the same chair.

Ireland and France were talking quietly with eachother.

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