Pt.2: Blue Cardinal.

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Begining of part two.

Warning -Massachussetts sasses at EU-
-Eric POV-

'Wake up.'

'I don't want to.'

'We are going to burn, get up.'

'Just let me rest.'

'No, get out of here.'

'What about my brother?'

'He has already left us.'

I opened my tired eyes.

Heat rushed into my already dry eyes.

'Why can't I leave this world?'

'Not yet.'

I shuffled upright, my legs wobbled.

My arms stung with the damage I had done.

'Why can't I clean the guilt?'

'Go, it will be gone.'

I limped away from the flames, my hip in electrifying pain.

'Where will I go? I can't go anywhere, I have made myself a monster.'

'You are powerful, you will raise an army, and ensure your pain is gone.'

Flames still erupted around me.

'Why must you curse this family...'



'Bright light?'

A tiny colony shot his head up, he blinked in the light. The little colony had never seen light before this.

'I'm missing someone.'

The thought startled the colony, he didn't know how but he felt as though a part of him was absent.

He looked around, a little ways away another figure was curled up in the grass.

The colony pushed his knuckles against the floor, begining to stand upright.

He stumbled, slowly gaining balance to go to the other figure.

His feet stopped in front of the other boy, the colony noticed he had a fabric wrapped around him. The colony looked down and noticed he was wearing a similar fabric.

The small colony dropped to his knees and shook the other one.

"Hmph?" The other small colony turned over and looked at his sibling.

The two locked eyes, and if they could say words at that age, they wouldn't have to.


The two small colonies looked ahead at what looked like a small village.

They walked into the village, not trying to hide, but at their small size it was easy to miss the two.

"What the?" A male voice said from behind the twins, both of them squeeked and turned around quickly.

A young male jumped backwards.

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