Pt.2: I Can See You Up There.

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________-Young Eric POV-___-1792-______

I nervously looked through the rafters, twelve countries filing into the room.

"I wish I could be you about now." Meri said leaning into my side.

"I could say the same to you, this is going to be the most nations I've been with in one room." I wiped my sweat off my head.

"France, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Great Britain, Brunswick-lüneburg, Papal states, Prussia, Morroco, Hamburg, Portugal, Genoa, and Denmark. I'm honestly surprised Dad came." Meri said, not counting all the capitals of those nations who were present too.

"Heh, we are a independent country... isn't that awesome?" I asked.

"Wish we could both be there."

The rafters where we both got up began to squeel, I turned around trying to hide Meri behind me, only to slightly relax when Britain pulled himself up into the rafters.

"Knew you two would be up here." He scowled trying to climb up into the smaller area.

"What are you doing here!?"

"Calm down, I've accepted you twos independence." He replied sitting in the rafters with us.

"I'm doubting you aren't going to try anything." I snarled at him.

I was slightly nudged by my brother.

"Give dad a chance?" He shrugged.

I sighed, slightly begrudged from my brother sympathizing with him.

"Fine, it's about to start so-" I glared at my father.

Dad turned around and clumsily climbed back down. I looked back at my brother.

"I'll make sure you'll get the stuff you deserve." I told him, he was looking off, like he was listening to something.

I tapped him worriedly.

"H-huh?" He stuttered.

"I'll make sure you get the stuff you deserve okay?" I said again.

He nodded his head quickly.

I swiftly clambered down fromt he rafters, following the British uniform that dissapeared around the corner.

I chased after the slightly taller man.

He had stopped by the door, seeming to be waiting for me. Quickly I went and stood near my father.

"Are you ready?" He asked me, leaning on the door handle.

Subconsciously I tried to flatten out my uniform, feeling obsessive to make myself look presentable.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I glared at dad.

He rolled his eyes and opened the door, I looked into the large ornate room at the other countries inside.

"There's the man of the evening!" A yell broke out in the hall. Prussua engulfed me in a surprising hug, being crushed by the stronger nations grip.

I managed to look to the side of my head and caught the eyes of my brother hiding up in the rafters, he was grinning watching me struggle to get out of the grip.

Eventually I pushed away from the laughing Prussian.

"Congratulations on your independence" Sweden moved in next.

"I can see you moving up in the ranks quickly!" Netherlands interrupted Sweden.

"Look at him, he fought the big fish and won!" Morroco added.

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