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"Raven fucking Reyes, did you eat my god damn sandwich!" I yelled as soon as I saw the empty spot in the fridge where my sandwich was last night. I hear a laugh from behind me.

Of course it was  none other than Luna.

"Tell your girlfriend to make me another sandwich!" I demand and it just caused her to laugh even more.

I pointed my middle finger at her and grab my bag for school with an empty stomach.

I'm definitely going to be in a bad mood today.

1 hour and 25 minutes later

I'm in my 3rd period class right now, damn this teacher talks a lot. I want to watch the stars, with Lexa, I miss her so much. Class was finally done, I have another one in 45 minutes, I grabbed my things and headed outside. It's kinda chilly, so I went to the tiny coffee shop around campus. I wanted to text Lexa but somethings holding me back, I decided to stalk her instagram instead, since i'm too nervous to text her. 

It was just a bunch of pictures of her football team, some pictures made me feel uncomfortable, this girl was way too close to Lexa, i'm probably just overthinking. I checked the time and headed to my next class.

"Hey Clarkie." Octavia said as she took a seat right next to me. 


"Soooo whatchu thinking about?"

"Nothing important."

"Alright whatever you say." 

The bell rang and class has started. We were assigned projects and I was paired up with a girl named Gaia. She's one of those smart kids who know the answer to every question, so I wouldn't mind being her partner. Octavia left me for Lincoln, which kind of hurt my feelings but i'll probably do the same to her if Lexa was here.

We had to write about why world war one was important and stuff. We weren't able to finish it in Class so Gaia and I are headed back to my dorm so we can work on some parts together.

"Octavia..? Raven???" Looks like no ones here.

"Do you need a drink or anything?" I asked Gaia

"No i'm fine, thank you though."

1 hour later

I heard the door unlocked so i'm guessing it's Raven and Octavia.

"Clarke we brought company!" I heard Octavia say and I replied with a simple "Okay."    

Gaia and I are half way done with our project, it's getting pretty late and my friends are waiting for me so I told her we can finish it another time. Opening my door I saw Raven, Luna, Octavia, Harper and Lexa, wait LEXA!?

"Uhhhh hi.." I said nervously while playing with my fingers.

"Hello Clarke" Lexa said with a smile.

I brought Gaia out of my room and now everybody is staring at me. "What..?" I said annoyed.

"Nothing." Raven said with a creepy smile.

"Okay then.. goodbye Gaia see you around." She waved bye and walked out.

Octavia and Raven pulled me in my room and locked the door.


"Clarke...what the hell were you guys doing." Raven asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You have to stop thinking so dirty, nice talk bye." I left my room and went to get a glass of water. Oh shit I forgot Lexa was here. I smiled at her and she smiled back before turning her head to her phone.    

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