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"Clarke? We're back!"

"O, I don't think she's here."

"Wait, lets check her room."

They slowly walked towards Clarkes room, making sure to not make a sound. Opening the door they saw Clarke and Lexa on the bed?!

Raven couldn't help but bust in. "Well, well, well how is it banging the mighty Lexa?"

Clarke chokes on the food in her mouth as Raven laughs and pats her back.

"Jesus Raven!" Clarke frowns at her dorm mates.

"What? We're just curious."

"What do you mean we're, I don't know about you but I rather not listen about their private life." Octavia said as she stole a cupcake from Clarke.

"ENOUGH!!! WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING YOU WERE SAYING! Your making Lexa feel uncomfortable!" Clarke yelled as Lexa tried to calm her down.

"Woah, Lexa what did you do to our little Clarkie, she turned into a beast..."

"RAVEN!" Octavia smacked her arm and dragged her out of the room.

Clarke's POV:

"I'm sorry about those two.."

"It's okay, I should probably get going." Lexa began to get her things and smiled at me one last time before leaving my room. I swear I am going to kill Raven.

"Raven fucking Reyes!"

"Clarke calm down, she went out."

"Why can't I just have privacy." I said rolling my eyes.

"You know how Raven is, she can't control herself, she's like the biggest Clexa shipper." Octavia smiled and pat my back while shaking her head.

"What do you mean Clexa-"

"Ummmmmm, WELL... BYE CLARKE NICE TALK!" O ran out the door before I was able to catch her. I swear it's like living with toddlers, I should probably get some rest, I've got classes tomorrow.

I put on my favorite PJ and the smell of Lexa filled my nose. I could get used to this. I thought about Lexa all night long, until I was finally able to sleep, god I miss her already.

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