shirabu kenjirou | so this is love?

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Request by @kyuc0ttage

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Request by @kyuc0ttage

﹥ˏˋ♡̩͙♡̩̩̥͙♡̩̥̩ ⋆ ♡̩̥̩♡̩̩̥͙♡̩͙ˊˎ﹤

The moment you and your boyfriend, Kenjirou, had stepped into his house, he wrapped his strong arms around your waist and guided you into his room. Once finally into the room, he lifted you and dropped you onto his bed, with you giggling in the process.

Shirabu smiles back at you as he strips his sweaty shirt from his body. "So how was practice?" You ask admiring his thin yet toned body.

"Fine, Goshiki was obnoxious per usual, and Semi made a bunch of back-handed comments per usual," He says while taking off his shorts as well and walking over to you. "Enjoy what you're seeing?" He asks while taking your chin in his hand and softly pressing his lips against yours before pulling away.

You chuckle to yourself in remembrance of the beginning of your relationship. Contrasting his usual self, he had been a blushing and stuttering mess whenever you would even hold his hand, yet now, he could kiss you with confidence, sometimes leaving you the one blushing and at a loss for words.

"I'm definitely enjoying the view," You say with a red hue on your cheeks. He gives you a smile and turns around to slide a pair of flannel pajamas on. Thankfully unlike Shirabu, your practice had ended fifteen minutes earlier, giving you a chance to shower and change at the school.

Your boyfriend walks over and slides into his bed beside you, pulling you onto his side. You instinctively nestle your head into his bare chest as his other hand hooks onto your knee and pulls it across his torso.

He presses his lips against the top of your head. "I've missed you."

You sigh. With volleyball season starting, it had been weeks since you have had proper time together. "I've missed you too."

Shirabu smiles against your forehead and his eyes flutter shut. You close your eyes as well, enjoying the rhythmic pumping of his heart along with his deep breaths.

Just as you swore the moment could not get more perfect, Shirabu's phone began to buzz, making both of you jump. Shirabu groans and reaches the arm that was around you out towards his phone and brings it to his ear.

"Hello?" He asks in his deep and sleepy voice that makes you swoon slightly.

"Kenjirou!" You hear Tendo's voice from the other side of the line, "The team is going out for dinner."

You see your boyfriend roll his eyes, "And...?"

"And we're meeting at 18:00."

You glance over at your bedside clock. It was already 17:30; if he was going out to dinner with them, he would have to leave now. You look back at him slightly saddened. You had only just started to hang out.

"I'm busy," He says bluntly and hangs up the phone. Giving him a grin, you lean down to press your lips softly against his.

"Thank you," You mumble against his lips.

He grabs the back of your neck softly to pull you closer to him for another kiss. "For what?" He questions.

You chuckle and move once again to lay your head against his chest. "For being here with me." You look into his soft brown eyes. "For being mine."

He chuckles softly. "The same could be said for you to me {y/n}," He says before leaning down and pressing his soft lips that tasted of apple cider to yours.

"Kenjirou," You murmur, "Can I ask you something?"

He brushes a stray piece of hair out of your face, "Anything."

"Do you lo-"


Both you and your boyfriend bolt up towards the calling of his name from outside the house. He groans, "It's Satori."

"Maybe if we just don't answer he'll go away," You say quietly. Glancing slightly out of Shirabu's bedroom window, you see the top of Tendo's bright red hair peeking into your view. Behind him stood Ushijima and Reon, both with slightly annoyed expressions on their faces.

"SHIRABU," Tendo calls through cupped hands, "Please come outside, the rest of the team is already at the restaurant."

Your boyfriend sighs and stands up from the bed. You follow behind him as he makes his way downstairs and towards the front door. He swings it open with an irritated look on his face.

Just as Tendo was about to call out once again, his eyes fall onto Shirabu and you closely behind him.

"Ahhh," The redhead smiles "Ready to go Kenjirou? Although, you might want to put a shirt on."

Shirabu purses his lips, "I already told you I'm not going. Now go away."

You put your hand on Shirabu's bare forearm. "Don't be rude Kenjirou."

He sighs and moves his arm upwards until your fingers link together, "I'm with {y/n} right now. I can't go out to dinner," He says firmly.


"Satori," Ushijima cuts him off with a sharp glare and monotone voice, "Let's go."

Tendo makes a pouting face before waving a quick goodbye to both you and your boyfriend. You quickly drag Shirabu back inside.

"I hate him," He groans while crashing onto your couch. You chuckle and sit down beside him, bringing your hand up to his head to play with his hair. His face relaxes as he melts into your touch.

"You hate everyone Kenjirou," You murmur and lean your head against his shoulder.

A soft smile appears on his lips, "I don't hate you."

"Well, I would hope so."

"In fact," He takes your chin into his hand and tilts it up slightly. His hot breath hits your face as you inch towards each other. "I think I love you."

It was then that he softly pressed his lips to yours. You smile into the kiss as he moves his hand to the back of your neck and brings you closer to him. Shifting, you straddle his waist and link his unoccupied hand with yours. After a few moments of the blissful moment, you both pull away.

"You think you do?" You mumble against his lips.

"No," He once again connects your lips and you melt into him. He moves his hand down to your waist and pulls you towards him."I know I do."

"I'm glad," You chuckle and bring your hand up to his hair, pulling the ends slightly.

"Well?" Shirabu asks with a cock of his eyebrow.

"Well, what?"

"Well, do you love me too?"

The corners of your mouth tilt upwards. "I love you Kenjirou."

﹥ˏˋ♡̩͙♡̩̩̥͙♡̩̥̩ ⋆ ♡̩̥̩♡̩̩̥͙♡̩͙ˊˎ﹤

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