Chapter 10

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It's the next morning and i struggle to sit up. My head is pounding and hurts like hell and i'm not sure why. I place my feet on the floor next to my bed and manage to stand up. I go toward the balcony doors and open them making the fresh, cold wind rush over my face. I step onto the balcony and look out toward the garden. It's so beautiful out here, so serene and quiet and-

"Morning!" I hear a chirpy voice screech in my ear. Logan. When will he fuck off. I turn to see his ugly face. Actually i never noticed how good looking he was in the morning... well at all actually. His cute messy blonde hair is ruffled over his head and his grey-blue eyes stare right at me. Snap out of it Alana or so help me!

"Drooling are we Alana?" He says smirking and taking a sip from the sparkling clean, white mug in his hands.

"Excuse me?" I say with some attitude. I almost felt the need to snap my a 'Z' formation. What is wrong with me?

"Nothing" He says going to walk off the balcony but before he does he turns back to me.

"Oh BTdubs nice bra" He says BTdubs in a girly voice. He winks at me before leaving the balcony and i have a chance to look down my front. I didn't realise that the top of my pyjama top must have fallen down to just below my chest in my sleep showing one of my favourite black lace bra that clips at the front showing too much clevlage.

I quickly pull it up even though there is no one here anymore to see it. I walk back into my room and get changed into something decent before walking down the huge staircase to the kitchen before grabbing an apple for breakfast. I didn't bother trying to sort out my birds nest of hair or doing my makeup coz the only person i would care who judged me has already seen my this morning and rather too much.

I quickly run in get an apple and leave trying not to catch the eye of anyone so i can go back upstairs and stay there until lunch. I manage to leave safely but when i get back to the staircase Logan is waiting at the top looking down on me as if i'm his prey and he's about to eat me up. I swallow a lump down my throa and for some reason i'm scared of him. Oh yeh that's right it's because he has bullied me most of my life and has turned my friends against me.

I run up the stairs and try to pass him but he stops me. His hair is perfect now and is placed with gel in a perfect quiff without looking greasy. I turn to look at him.

"What do you want?" I say trying to sound confident but it fails.

"Scared are we Alalala?" He says mockingly stepping towards me. I automatically step back forgetting that i'm on a staircase. I almost fall backwards but manage to steady myself.

"You wish" I say with the most disgust i can force up to my mouth.

"Be careful. We don't want you falling down these stairs now. Do we?" He says looking at me evily. I laugh and shake my head. I step closer to him and instantly feel more confident. I point my finger at his chest and push it whilst saying these words and getting up in his face.

"No, I don't want to fall down these stairs but i'm pretty sure you would like to see me fall like you try and do everyday at school so don't come near me again this whole holiday or you'll be sorry." He moves forward and grabs my wrists and pushes me againt the banister of the staircase making my back hurt. He laughs under his breath. He comes close enough to my face so i can feel his breath. I move my head away from him and look down at the floor beneath me. Woah.

"Oh really? I think we're forgetting who i am Happy. I own you and don't you forget that. Make me angry again and you'll regret you ever met me." At this he turns on his heels and walks back to his room. I don't realise i'm crying until i start rubbing at my cheeks violently. My heart is beating out of my chest and everything starts to go blurry around me and i can't seem to find my way.

I find my room and slam the door shut behind me and i can't stop myself from crying. I scream and kick my door with a force i never knew i had. I lay on my bed on my stomach and scream into my pillows with all the energy that i have left. He scares me so much and i hate feeling like this.

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