Chapter 9

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When i get to my room it's not long before Christina come in to. She sits down on the bed next to me and says "Are you ok?"

"Yeah i'm fine." I say looking at my hands.

"I'm not that stupid, Alana, I know when somethings wrong and i definately know that you know him and that he was mocking you." 

"I know i'm sorry. I need to ignore him for the rest of the trip or our parents are going to regret agreeing with you to have me as well." I say looking into my sister's eyes this time. She grabs me by the shoulders and shakes me. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"Just checking that you're still alive"


"Because they would never regret something like that Alana.. ever."

"Don't make promises you can't keep" At this she pulls me into a hug and whispers in my ear something that i don't quite hear but just make out. 

"I'm not" I think she said but i don't believe her. After this she walks out the room and i groan while laying back on my bed and staring at the ceiling. I count the swirl painted patterned strawn across the ceiling. I get to about 20 when my thoughts are interrupted by the voice of a 16 year old twat.

"What are you doing?" He says through laughs. I sit up to see him sniggering like an idiot. What was so funny about me lying on my bed looking at the ceiling because i have nothing better to do witth my life. Ok it does seem kind of sad now that i've thought it through in my head.

"Why are you in my room?" I try and say with disgust but it doesn't really come out right.

"Because i want you Alana" He says seductively. He bursts out into laughter proably because of my shocked face. I then realise that my mouth is wide open. "You might want to close your mouth, alalala, you might catch flies." At this point he's almost on the floor crying. Alalala is his nickname for me but i hate it. It's not even funny but apparently to him it's like the most fucking hilarious thing on this fucking planet.

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!" I scream whilst pushing him out making him almost fall over then pushing my door shut in his face. I almost laugh at how startled he was at my screaming. I slide my back down the door til i'm sitting on the floor looking around my room with my knees at my chest. I hug them tightly. It's going to be the hardest thing ever ignoring him this week. Urggh.

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