chapter 1⁰×3

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If you don't understand, 1⁰= 1 and then it's just multiplied by 3 so basically, chapter 3. Hehehe, I am a good math student, so what?

Also, I found this on Pintrest so... credits to the artist         Pau💫 on twitter!

Anyways... onto the story!

Ranboo let his eyes trail over the ghost before him. His eyes kept trailing back to the glowing amber eyes that were watching him. He took a deep breath and spoke, "Hi Tommy, it's been a while... how've you been?"

"Oh, uhm, I've been fine... I remember that you were my best friend, along with Wilbur! or is it Ghostbur...? I think that it's... uh, Ghostbur but I'm not sure... uhm... could you ask him for me? Please? I don't want to bother him if he has something to do..." Tommy looked on with a troubled face. 

"It's Ghostbur, actually, you were right. And Tommy, ypu will NEVER be a bother to Ghostbur and I, okay? We will always make time for you, no matter what. Remember this, Tommy. Ghostbur and I will always care about you, be it when you are Tommyinit or Ghostinnit. Always." Ranboo gave Tommy a kind smile, watching as Tommy's eyes widened.

Tommy took a deep breath, trying to keep himself from crying. He doesn't remember if he had anyone who care about him as much as Ghostbur and Ranboo had. "It's okay to cry, Tommy. Don't forget that." Tommy heard Ranboo loud as day. It was with those few words that Tommy launched himself at Ranboo, wrapped his arms around Ranboo's waist and burying his head into the crook of Ranboo's neck.

Ranboo was taken aback at how emotional Tommy was, before he remembered that Tommy was different then before. But, Ranboo reminded, thia was still Tommy. This was still his best friend, no matter what. Ranboo wrapped his arms around Tommy, securely pulling the now shorter male up against his front. Ranboo felt like he was holding a younger sibling, trying to calm him down.

Ranboo rubbed Tommy's back in a soothing circular motion, not using to much force, because that would hurt him, but also not using to little force, or he would not feel anything at all. Tommy relaxed in Ranboo's arm, shifting a bit to a more comfortable position. 

(Keep in mind, the others are all still there, just watching in frozen shock at the scene playing before them.)

Ghostbur floated towards the two, his best friends. his brothers in all but blood. Oh, how Ghostbur wished it true, but alas, he knew that it wasn't. Oh, what a perfect caring family they would be, no chosing each other over others. They only needed each other to be happy. But, Ghostbur also knew that (no matter how he wished it to be) it would not come true. After all, it was only that. A wish. Nothing more, nothing less.

A (meaningful) meaningless wish.

488 words!


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