chapter •⁸•

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Dream strolled down the hall, glancing at what he had achieved. He had the disks in item frames, where he knew they would be safe.

Disappointment swelled up with in his gut. Could he even have anymore fun with Tommy? He scoffed, his fun was ruined again by the menace. A smirk appeared on his face as an idea hit him. He may not be able to use the disks... but he could use Ranboo. Or Ghostbur. They both worked.

Satisfaction filled him as a new plan came to order in his mind.


The deity could only sigh, slumping in defeat and disappointment. His counterpart was causing trouble again, he could feel it. Why did he have to be gifted with such an enraging other half? Most of the other's had it easy, some of their counterparts were scarily similar to them, they had no need to worry about them.

DreamXD, However, was not blessed with a thing such as a similar counterpart. He sulked for a bit, sinking into his chair, thinking of ways to better his counterpart.

DreamXD lit up as he remembered something. He had forgotten about it earlier when he was considering it, but he recalled a spell. A spell in which he would need help with... hmmm. Who to call?

Coming to a decision, He called out a name. A burst of purple light caused a body to appear. "You called, sir?" A high pitched tone revealed that the voice was of a female.

Clare was weary. This was the first time in three years that someone had been called to DreamXD's office. She was scared. Had she done something? Did she anger him? Did she offend him in some way? She couldn't think, she was only focusing on trying to stop the tremble in her hands from being seen.

Had he found out she was interfering with the human plane?

She froze completely.

Oh, she hoped, prayed that, that wasn't the reason she was being summoned by him. She was just trying to help the poor boy, she wasn't trying to ruin the flow of time there! She really wasn't! She just wanted to help the small, fragile, vulnerable child.

She wanted to help him gain his freedom- his spark- once more. She saw herself in him, and even though he was not her counterpart, she had grown quite fond of the silly, defenseless boy. She nad her counterpart both had.

It was odd to see her counterpart watching the boy from the end cities, laying down amongst her children. Sure her counterpart was bitter and just downright mean sometimes but, she wasn't heartless. She could feel just as anyone else could! She could be sad, happy, angry, scared, all of that! Just like a normal human. Granted, she wasn't a human- she was a bloody dragon for fucks sake- but she had a humane personality.

Either way, Clare was weary and wary of how the meeting would end. And so, with a deep breath, she allowed herself to fade in a shimmer of violet.

"You called, sir?"

Word count: 576

...meh it's good enough. Byeee! Have fun with your imagination about what is to come!

And remember, I'm a lazy bitch, so I don't edit shit. If I read through a chapter and fix a word or two, don't expect me to write an entire fucking paragraph more. Feel free to not have to read back every time I update because I edited a fuck ton of new shit in on a chapter from a while ago. Once again, byeee!

I have 2% of phone battery (666) lol

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