Every Single k special lol

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Because I can! Sorry for this, it's soooo late... oof.

Not proof read!

The morning was peaceful. Silence filled the house well into the afternoon.

And then the three residents awoke, bringing forth new chaos and fun.

Tommy woke up feeling refreshed, having taken a good rest after yesterday's party. He had a feeling that Wilbur and Ranboo were still asleep, so as the nice sensible and humble person he was he let them sleep.


He slowly got out of bed, and crept out of his room, making his way towards Wilbur and Ranboo's shared room.

An idea hit him, just as he reached the dark oak wood stairs, He needed a pot and a wooden cooking spoon. And ear mufflers for himself. Quietly stepping down the stairs, he rushed into the kitchen and grabbed the pot and spoon from their separate cupboards. Then he rushed to the living room and put in his ear buds– they, at the very least, could block some noise– before making his way to the targeted room.

The door creaked open, a deafening noise it was, really!

Tommy held the pot up, slightly trembling, it was heavy.

With one last final prayer that they wouldn't be able to catch him in what was to come, he slammed the spoon against the smooth metal of the pot three times. It was enough to wake the two sleeping males. "Rise and shine sleeping beauties! Get your asses up!"

Groans left the mouths of the two cranky males, "go away Tommy!" Wilbur grumbled, pressing the back of his forearm against his forehead. Why did it hurt so much? He hadn't drunken anything achoholic yesterday, had he?

"No can do Wil! It's already afternoon and we haven't done anything! I feel energy coursing through my veins and it needs to be let put somehow. LET'S GO TO THE PARK! That's sounds fun, let's go! We leave in thirty minutes!" And with that, Tommy left the two taller males to wake and dress for the day, scurrying out of the room. He hoped no one chased him.

His hopes were in vain. Ranboo had followed him, charging towards Tommy with an exasperated expression. He wasn't really upset, he just wanted to scare his younger brother a little. Puffing in a new breath of oxygen, he steadily neared Tommy.

He tripped.

Tommy looked back, curious as to what the loud noise behind him was. He burst put laughing when he was Ranboo on the floor, face protected by his arms, just laying there. Tommy trotted forward and help Ranboo up, despite the chance that Ranboo would pull him down to the floor besides him.

Ranboo decided to me nice for a second and let Tommy pull him up, watching in amusement as his little brother struggled to fully lift him onto his feet.

Finally, he stood by himself and, with a quick look behind Tommy, tackled his brother to the carpet below them.

With a loud intake of breath, he started to tickle the figure beneath him. "NOOOOOOOoOOooooo..." Tommy yelled out. He was sensitive to basically anything, and Ranboo took that to his advantage. It was only minutes later that Ranboo let Tommy go to change.

The older of the two ran quickly, shutting the door before the younger could enter to take his own revenge. Tommy sighed and slumped forward, Ranboo was the faster between the two and, sadly, always out ran him.

Whilst they dressed, Tommy sucked in air, to make up for his lack there of, and went back downstairs to put the pot and spoon away and make toast. "Toasters are very useful. Who ever thought of this, is a genius!" He whisper yelled to himself, making six pieces. Two for everyone, just to make sure they weren't hungry while going to the square.

Just as he finished his last slice, his brothers came down from their room. Tommy could tell it was both of them because Ranboo was jumping down the steps while Wil was just stepping quickly.

They made it to the kitchen and gave Tommy a great full glance, snatching the toast and shoving it in their mouths. "So, we're going to the park?" Ranboo spoke between bites, he hadn't eaten at the party because he was sure someone put something in the food, he was paranoid like that.

"Yeah! It'll be fun! We can take a break from everything that's been going on, just relax and be ourselves! Not having to act!" He hopped up, making a move to grab his shoes.

"That does sound nice..." Ranboo's eyes met Tommy's, they communicated through that simple gesture. A nod from each to the other and puppy eyes were out on full view. A pout from both of them caused the older male to groan in annoyance– and defeat– while moving to grab his car keys.

Wilbur always lost to his younger brothers' puppy eyes.

It wasn't fair!

They cheered, high-five-ing each other. They always won with that look, it was really useful at times. Especially when they wanted to get out of trouble...

They all rushed back to their room to grab their coats and sweaters, it was not freezing, but it also was not warm. Just a precaution to make sure they wouldn't freeze their butts off if it got cold.

The younger brothers ran to the car while the oldest dragged his feet, he hadn't wanted to go out. The empty swelling in his heart lessened once he saw his brothers shoving each other near the car doors, fighting on who would go in front.

"I'm older! It should automatically be me!" Ranboo almost had enough room to get into the now unlocked car, he was pushed back.

"You went in front last time! I'm going in front this time! Tell him Wil! I'm in front right?" Tommy opened the door and sat on the seat, turning his attention to the tree that sat in the driver's seat. He sighed.

"None of you get go in front! You two have just been fighting this entire time! Get in back seats, both of you, or we're not going to the park." The finality in his voice made the two quickly seat in the back seats. Not without a shove here and there though.

When they made it to the park twenty minutes later, Ranboo and Tommy quickly got off the car and started jumping in their places. They waited for Wilbur to get out of the car to drag him into a tree's shade. Once they did that, they ran off excited to get rid off a the energy in them.

"Tag! You're it Ranboo!" Tommy ran away quickly, climbing up the jungle gym. He hit his head a couple times but, who cares?

(He did but at the moment was too distracted with running away from his older brother-)

"I'm gonna catch you Tommy!" Ranboo shouted, quickly advancing towards the blonde.

"NO! YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME RANBOOB!" Tommy lept sideways and started climbing a tree. Ranboo froze for a second, surprised at what had happened. And then Ranboo rushed to the tree Tommy was clinging to.

"Get down! You're gonna fall!" Wil yelled out, climbing to his feet quickly. Lord, his brothers were annoying.

You guys want a continuation of this or no?

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