chapter ♡⁷♡

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Ranboo did not know what to do. Not only was Tom crying, he was unresponsive too! So Ranboo did the only thing he could do. Try to make Tom feel safe. Try to make him feel better.

Ranboo securely wrapped his lanky arms around Tom's shorter frame and let out a purring noise. Yes, Endermen could purr, and no matter how much Ranboo denied it, it was a known fact. At least, it was known to Tomm- Tom and Ghostbur

"Hey, I'm here. I am here." Ranboo's gentle tone made Tom flinch away. Tom had never had someone speak to him in such a way before. It felt odd.

He liked it.

A lot.

Tom leaned into the taller male, finding confort in his gesture.

It was calming.

Ranboo kept his limbs encircling the shorter male, his brother, trying to convey the feeling of safety, familiarity, and care.

Memories filled Ranboo's mind. When Ranboo first hung put with Tommy and Ghostbur, when Ranboo and Tommy robbed George's house, when he first visited Tommy in exile. He internally flinched, externally tightening his grip on Tommy- Tom. Tom said that he prefers to be called Tom, not Tommy.

Ranboo wanted Tom to be comfortable with him so, no matter how he loathed doing it, he called Tommy, Tom. Even if Tommy was his real name, even if Tommy was who he really was, even if it hurt Ranboo see Tom trying to only see the differences in him and Tommy, he would oblige to Tom's wishes and call him by that name. He would call Tommy, Tom.

Coming back to his senses, Ranboo barely comprehended the fact that he was hurting. He ignored it. He had to, Tommy- Tom... needed him. He had to be Tom's boulder, he had to be there for him. No matter what.

He wouldn't ever let that green bastard get to Tommy. Not ever.

Tom was happy just staying in Ranboo's comforting hold. It felt like... home? Tom, embarrassed by his thoughts, shook his head quickly. He did not just think that! Ranboo was his best friend, yes, but... wasn't it odd to think like that? Wasn't it odd to see a friend as family? As home?

Tom's musings ceased when Ranboo's increasingly tightening grip slacked. It was too loose for Tom's liking, so Tom hugged the colosal figure in front of him. It was selfish, he knew, but he just wanted to hold onto the comfortingly familiar figure of his brothe- of his friend.

Ranboo stilled, his thoughts stopping completely. Tommy was hugging him? Tom, Ranboo corrected himself once more, he favors being called Tom. Soaking in the warm embrace of the dwarf of the two, Ranboo's eyes fluttered shut, his exhaustion catching up to him.

Tom was in a perdidamente. Ranboo had fallen asleep. They were down stairs. How was he going to get ranboo up? He sincerely hoped that floating up would work. To his surprise, it did. To his chagrin, he couldn't go through walls with Ranboo. That just made the journey to Ranboo's bedroom, that much harder.

Eventually Tom made it to Ranboo's room and laid Ranboo down on the bed. Taking in deep gasps of breath, Tom collapsed next to Ranboo, He fell asleep next to his friend (brother).

With the green blob bastard!

Dream let out a huff of anger. Ranboo was going to regret everything, Dream would make sure of it.

Dream took a deep breath as he entered his secret base, far away from the rest of his acquaintances and their homes. He would make Ranboo and Tommy regret turning on him.

Hi... I'm alive still, sadly. Anyways, I am bored and I wanted to write something so here we are. Are you happy with this? Was it okay?

Byeee! Have a good day/night/morning!

Word count: I don't know... around 600 I guess.

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