chapter 5

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anboo led Tommy back to his house with Ghostbur following after them. It was quite on their way to Ranboo's base. It was, surprisingly, a comforting silence. That is until Ghostbur started humming some tunes at the top of his head.

Hmhmm hmhmm hmhmhmhmmm hm hm hm hm hm hmhmhmhm hm hmhmhmhm hm hmhmhm hm hm hmhm

Something deep in Tommy cried out. Oh! how sad he suddenly felt! Why was he so sad? Why did the tune sound so familiar? Why did everything in him scream at him, telling him to do something, anything! Just to make it stop. What was happening? Why does he feel the way he feels?

As Ghostbur kept humming aloud, the feeling of agony only grew. It was only after a minute of listening to Ghostbur hum that the feeling stopped. Of course, it could do with the fact that Ghostbur stopped humming because they had reached Ranboo's house, but Tommy was just glad that the feeling was gone.

As Tommy entered the house, a feeling of being lost overtook him. Was he Tommy? Or... was he Tom? What was his real name? Tommy and Tom were both short for something, but what? Tommy decided that he liked the name, Tom, better then Tommy.

Tommy was different than him. Tom was different than Tommy. It was only normal that they were called something different, right?

Tom blindly followed Ranboo into his home, not really paying any mind as he fazed through solid objects. "Tommy! This is my base, if you don't remember, and you are welcome here anytime! I only have one rule, and it's very important. You absolutely can, in no way, talk to Dream. He's... he's crazy. I don't want him to hurt you, so please. PLEASE just, stay away from him, okay?" Ranboo gave Tommy a pleading look.

"Uh, su-" Tom was cut off as a knock rang throughout the building, bouncing off the walls and into their ears. Their heads turned to the door. Ramboo cursed when caught sight of a neon green through a window.

"Tommy, go to my room and stay there until I come and get you, okay? I'll be there in a bit." Ranboo pointed to the latter's above them. Tom looks at Ranboo for a bit before he starts to float up to the second floor.

With Ghostinnit

Tom fazed through the floor and slightly sat on Ranboo's bed. After a while of listening to the Green man's insistent knocking, he heard his friend open the door.

"Where's Tommy, Ranboo?" Tom flinched a bit at the name said. He really was starting to dislike that name, he was. Tom drifted off in his thoughts on what his name could be as he thought through possible names. Was my name Thomas? Or was it Thomathy? Or was it longer for Tom? What could it have been?

With Ranboo

Ranboo gave the shorter man a menacing glare when he opened the door. "Where's Tommy, Ranboo?" Dream spoke in a harsh manner, making Ranboo's glare to harden.

"Why do you care, Dream? He wants nothing to do with you, you green bastard! Just get out here, why don't you go fuck your little boy toy and leave us alone!" Ranboo did not ask a question, he was was demanding that Dream left his home.

This time it was Dreams turn to glare, "George isn't my boy toy, Ranboo." His voice was sharp, a deep anger being held in his tone.

"How did you know I was talking about George then? Huh? Just leave Dream, you don't scare me. You never did, I was just pretending to be scared. Just like I was pretending to be your allie. It was never, and will never be, true" Ranboo shoved Dream out of his house, taking out his enchanted netherite ax.

"Leave, Dream. And don't come back." With an axe pointed at his neck, Dream backed away.

"You just made the biggest mistake of your life, Ranboo. I hope you know that. Don't say I didn't warn you." With one last creepy stare, Dream pearled away.

Closing his door, Ranboo let out a sigh, "You can come back Tommy!" his call was never answered. After a minute or so of waiting, Ranboo went up to check on his translucent friend. "Tommy? You okay?" Ranboo looked at the ghost laying on his bed.

"Can you please call me Tom? I uh, I just don't like the way Tommy sounds and I- I'm not Tommy. Yes, we are the same person, but I'm different than Tommy. I don't remember a lot of things, and I'm sure that I won't remember a lot of things. I do want to remember, I do! I just... I don't think that I will." Tom gave Ranboo a sad look, watching as the half and half man froze slightly.

"Uh... yeah. Yeah, I'll call you Tom, Tom. I'll try to remember that." Ranboo gave Tom a small, downcast smile.

Word count: 835

Bleh, blehbleh!


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