Part 57✨

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The gift was a collage of my first year playing volleyball to the end of my first year then my second year at the start and finish and just a lot of my beginning and ending pictures and on the back of each page was a message from the girls. After all the gifts and tears the boys and the parents left and so did most of the girls, I also cleaned my tear stained face up and now it was sleepover time. Yoshi and Cho were spending the night and I was gonna meet Sakura and Niko for boba tomorrow at 3pm. Anyway once everyone were in their rooms me and ushijima decided to FINALLY exchange gifts.

I said "So you think I wouldn't notice the bracelet huh" he said "I knew you would but I couldn't mess up the opportunity to see you sobbing like that". I punched him and he went to the closet and had a small bag, I opened it was utterly shocked. It was a KEY a CAR KEY, I said "WAKATOSHI USHIJIMA NO YOU DIDNT", he said "Look out the window". I looked and saw the prettiest white car ever like it was just so shiny and pretty and A CAR". I jumped into his arms happily and he said "That's not all" and I said "WHAT ELSE IS THERE". I tore the box apart and saw concert tickets for the upcoming BTS concert and there were 8 of them and he said "Take the girls with the car".

I said "You really went all out I see" he said "I had to babe now give me my gift im kind of scared". I said "WAIT YOUR SCAREDDDD" he said "You always have to ruin something don't-". I put the bag in his hands and he slowly opened it and looked at me and said "A BRACLET"? I said "remember that day when you punched Lev dead in the face and kissed my forehead and said "I'm here always". He said "I do actually" I said now look under the bracelet, and he was shocked and said "HOW THE HELL". I got him a silver Cartier watch and a gold one but the gold one had "I'm here always" engraved in it.

It was a real dent in my pocket but for him id do even more, then I got another bag that had about 5 different Gucci outfits and a pair of shoes. I also got some sunglasses for him which were perfect because we have a three week vacation to Dubai to attend, he was over the moon about his gifts and thanked me with lots of kisses. And one thing almost lead to another when I forgot that Yoshi and Cho were her and then I panicked and Ushijima was just as shocked. We decided to check on them and they were dead asleep thank GOD.

Anyway Christmas was a success and everything was great, ushijima got me a car and I got him his dream wardrobe that he had been talking about for months. I fell asleep that night with my heart full of of joy because this is exactly where I was supposed to be. I woke up the next morning to the fire alarm going off, I sprang up and ran to the kitchen and that's when I saw it. Cho putting a pan of burning whatever in the sink and Yoshi pancicking trying to turn the alarm off.

And there was my dumbs boyfriend wakatoshi ushijima staring at me with his hand over his mouth. I looked at everything with the most panicked smile ever and said "Babe im gonna ask you once and once only", he said "in my defense". I cut him off and said "Let me finish now how do you let two 15year olds do this and you're 18 now what if I bring a child into this world". Everyones eyes widened and Yoshi said "Y/n is this your way of telling us your pregnant". Cho and Yoshi started getting all excited and I said "Hm yeah".

Ushijima was dumbfounded and I was like "That was a joke I haven't even finished my third year yet, babies can wait". Ushijima said "Please never do that again I think I almost had a stroke", we were all laughing and cleaning up while I ordered breakfast. We all ate breakfast and got ready the girls were going home and I was going out for boba and Ushijima was going with Tendou to do some Dubai prepping. I got in my car and I was so happy I loved walking but a car just made everything so much better, anyway I picked up Niko and we met Sakura at the boba shop.

We talked and laughed but Sakura had a surprise for us, she had met a boy at her college who she got with after she left the high school. In essence she told us that she was now pregnant and me and Niko were traumatized almost. I mean Sakura was only 19 and she was only down with her first year of college, I mean like how the hell was she gonna manage. She said "It was accidental but im not gonna get rid but I mean I only have 2 more years so ill go online and by time the baby is born ill have finished my second year". Niko said "When the baby is born we can always babysit as well".

I agreed and said "Yeah if you need a break ushijima loves kids more so teens but he has a weird soft spot for Kids". Sakura said "Thank you guys for supporting me and im sorry that im gonna miss the third year goodbye party". I said "its fine your having a baby you need to focus on him or her right now but we are seriously happy for you". After a couple of hours we all parted ways and then I dropped Niko off at home. When I got home Ushijima and Tendou were asleep on the couch.

I let them sleep so I just fell asleep myself and when I woke up I realized it was Monday which was the day of the third year going away party. School wasn't quite finished but volleyball was so now it was time to celebrate and give up my captain spot. I had been thinking about who would make a good vice out of the four first years but I had a pretty good idea, but only Mikasa and Azumi knew my answer. But me and ushijima got a text from the boys and girls saying to meet them in the gym at 4pm. It was a happy and sad day but cheers to moving on and growing up!

~To be continued~

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