part 10 (annika's weird behaviour)

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Finally PART 10🎉🎉

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Happy reading 💗


Shivika&mallika arrived at the hospital and asked about siddharth's condition to doctor.
"The head injury caused to blood loss. Nothing to worry. He is unconscious now. You can see him when regain consciousness "

M:Thank you dr
D:my duty
He said with a smile

All sat on bench

After 20 minutes

S: Haven't eaten anything yet.You both sit here. I'll come back after buy something to eat
He said while standing up

M:i don't want anything. Buy for you both

A: then i don't want anything either.
She said without thinking twice

S:me too
He said sitting back on bench

M:no! you both may hungary.You can eat.I am not in a mood to eat

S/A: we too

M:why? May i know the reason

A:because our friend doesn't eat.
Right shivaay?

S:obviously you both should eat. Don't skip your meal becuase of me.
Please eat... for me
She said with a pleading eyes

A/s:you should eat...Please for us
Both copied mallika's tone and said

M:ok fine.. do whatever you want
she defeated herself

While eating the food a nurse came out of the ICU

N:who is malli?

M: me

N:patient is calling you
As soon as heard it, Mallika kept aside the plate and search for something to wipe her hand. can't waste more time searching for a washroom. She want to see her sid as soon as possible. She couldn't find nothing. So she just wiped her hands in annika's dupatta (shawl) and rushed inside.
Annika looked at shivaay with a baby pout. Shivaay chuckled at her

A:please come with me. i want to wash it out
She said while standing and walking
Shivaay followed her

Annika's shoulder hitted with someone while walking. It was non other than her father Raghav Raichand.
R:princess you here..i am sorry. I didn't see you.
He said while caressing her shoulder

R:why are you here at this time? Is everything fine?
He asked looking at shivaay
S: yeah.. everything is fine uncle. Came here to see a friend who is admitted here in an accident case
R: just tell me if you want anything

"We...were loo..king for"annika interrupted surprising them. Raghav's face brightened in happiness. Yes his princess's talked to him after a long time. He felt a slight pain in throat. He gulped the saliva to stop him from crying.
R:come.. come.. i will show you
He called annika to go with him. Annika immediately looked at shivaay. And he gestured with eyes to go. but she nodded in no and held his wrist to drag him with them.

Let's see what's happening with sidllika (Siddharth & mallika)😉

Mallika walked towards siddharth who was laying in bed with a big bandage in head and in left hand. Siddharth slowly cupped her face when she stood beside him

"Thank god.. you are fine...sorry i had to push you harshly. did you felt any pain"

Tears filled in her eyes. she just looked at him without answering. he looked at his hand which he unknowingly kept on her face and immediately pulled it back whispering a sorry

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