part 18 (realisation)

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Ok.... i am back. Sorry for being late. I will give fast updates after my exam.



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The longest chapter I have ever written. Happy reading 💝


Shivaay comes from America today. Annika was in nine cloud finally she is gonna meet him after one week. This one week was like 1 month for her. She missed their talks, fights, his taunts, his caring nature, especially his kanji ankhein. She was counting days since he went. She was happy like the whole world is in her hands. A wide smile never left her lips since she woke up. Once her heart questioned her if you miss him to the core when he is not around you.. if passing a day without him is impossible for you.. HOW YOU WILL LIVE WITHOUT HIM? She was answerless then. Shrugging off those thoughts she concentrated on the current passing time. Now she is sitting on a couch in oberoi mansion with her other besties. A constant smile played on her lips. Clock strucked on 8

R: finally annika didi is in a great mood today

She curved her lips little more in response

O: would you miss us like this if any one of use were in shivaay's place?

A: ofcourse. Your also my friends na like him

Shivomru directed their eyes towards mallika as soon as heard it

A: what happened why you look eachother?

M: heey.. Nothing

A: i know something going on. But you won't tell me. I am not interested to know also. Keep the secret yourself

Others chuckled

"What's going on guys..."
They heard someone's voice and looked at the direction except annika. She could sense his presense she could recognise the owner of that voice. It was non other than shivaay's. His presence gives a chill down through her veins. her breath got hitched. She was eagerly waiting for him. But now she is nervous to meet him. She was clueless about that sudden change. What's happening with me? You were waiting for him na. Then what happened now? Why are you nervous? God stay with me please. Composing herself slowly she looked back to see a shivaay who was embraced in a tight hug by her other besties. Annika admired his charming smile and his adorable blue eyes after a short period NO yaar.. It was a long period for her😄 . she moved her eyes from him as soon as he looked at her. Now she was not able to meet his eyes also

S: heeyy... annika
Calling her he walked towards her. Her heart beats faster on his each steps. He gently embraced her in a soft hug. Her breath got hitched at his touch. A red hue appeared on her cheeks. Slowly she placed her cold palm on his back with a small smile.

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