part 3 (friends )

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Here is the 3rd part with 1600+words....

I hope you will like☺

Oberoi mansion

"Miss.meera...."shivaay called one of the maids
"Yes sir..."she said politely
"There is a girl in my room..give her lunch and medicines on time "he aslo told her where the medicine was
"Ok sir" she said and was about to go
"And have to feed her...her right hand is broken "
Meera hummed and went from there.shivaay also left for office

Oberoi industry

Shivaay was doing some work in laptop suddenly his phone rang..he was confused seeing the unknown number. He attended the call
"Whatt....stay there i am coming"
After declining the call.he rushed towards parking area and started to drive the car...after 17 min of driving he applied break infront of oberoi mansion & walked hurriedly towards his room...he was shocked to see the condition of his room...everything in the room was scattered on floor include the food...plates and flower vases were broken...and that girl was sitting in corner of the room hugging her kneels with left hand and bending down her head she was shivering shivaay slowly started to move towards her...hearing someone's footsteps she tightened the grip on her kneels....he kept his palm on her shoulder and she looked at him with a jerk "shivaay...."she cried and stood up holding his hand..
"what happened?why are you scared?"he asked..
"She....she tri..ed.. to.. ki..ll.. me.."she said with choked voice pointing towards meera and tried to hide behind shivaay....but suddenly she fainted in his arms...before falling he hold her waiste on time
"Heyy....heyy.. get up" patting on her cheek he called her . But there was no any movements....he took her in his arms and made her lay on bed...
Everything was witnessed by jhanvi and dadi also...
"Sir....i didn't do anything....when i was about to give her the lunch.she tossed it away and started to throw everything saw in her sight, towards me" meera said with shivering voice
"I can leave"
And she left from there
"Shivaay why is she behaving like this"asked jhanvi
"Don't know mom...this is how she reacted when she saw me for the first time "
" the doctor" dadi interrupted
And shivaay called the doctor.....after 15 min he reached in oberoi mansion and examined her...
"How is she?"jhanvi was the one who asked first
"She is fine. Don't worry. She will wake up within 2 hour....and haa... shivaay...come with me"

Shivaay went with the doctor
"What happened? Is everything alright "he asked
"No...if she is scared like this,she will become a mental patient soon...Don't make her feel loneliness and don't do anything that will make her scared and give her happiness as much as you can..."dr said... it was a big shock to shivaay
"But why is she so scared whenever she sees a stranger?"
"May be accident shock or something happened in her life that made her so much scared. That fear didn't left her....Don't skip her medicines...."dr explained and give medicine list to him "buy this medicines also" dr said
"Ok dr...Thank you"
"My duty "dr said with a smile and left from there
He came back to room and said about director's words to dadi and jhanvi
"Then we are going....she will get more scared if she saw us here, when wake up" jhanvi said and both went from there


He gave her the dinner with medicine and went to have dinner
While eating dadi said
"Billu...we need to find out about her family and let them know about her otherwise they will be worried "
"Ok dadi...i will find out about her family and will inform them"
"Bhaiyya...we want to meet her" rudy said like baby...
"But how?she will be scared...that's not good for her" shivaay said
"Shivaay don't worry....we will manage "om said
"Hmm.. ok"

Shivaay's pov

Dadi is right i have to find out about her family and inform them about her...but for that Atleast i need her photo...i think i have to ask for a photo...let's ask her. After dinner i went to my room she was not there...she was sitting on poolside. I moved towards her
"Can i sit here" i asked
"Hmm"she hummed
And i sat beside her. She was in some deep thoughts. I decided break that silence and cleared my throat
"How are you feeling now?is there any pain?"
"Little "
"Don't you want to meet your family?"after break of few minutes
i asked
"Why?" I was surprised
"I don't want to meet them till get my memory back....i won't be able to recognize them...i don't want to hurt them"
"But they will be worried about you?they didn't see you for a whole day"i tried to convince her
"No means no....please try to understand... i am hundred percent sure that i won't be able to recognize them and i can't go with i don't have the courage to went from here"
"If you don't want to go,you can stay here...but i think atleast we have to inform them...they will not come to meet you... I will tell them not to come and see"
"What did you think shivaay....a parents can sleep peacefully just hugging few information... you can't stop them from meeting please don't try to find out about my family " she was angry
"Ok...ok...i will not do"i said
No....i can't do like you say....i want to know about your family and i will inform them also...don't worry... i will not let them meet you...but for that i have to take your photo without your knowledge.... i thought and hide my smirk from her(shivaay is shivaay 😎)
Pove ends...

"And haa...don't feel hesitate to ask for anything and you can share everything with are not alone "he assured her
"Then friends... "she forwarded her left hand with a wide smile
"Ok friends" he shook his hands with hers

After few minutes of silence
"Shivaay i want to change this dress...but i don't have any dress...what will do" she asked sadly
"Ohh...i forgot to say...come with me"he hold her hand and led her towards a room and opened the door...
"From today this is your room...i have arranged everything that you want"and he showed cupboard and washroom to her...she didn't utter a word
"Then good night" he said with a smile
"Good night" she replied in a low voice and he left
She remembered that nightmare and started to breath heavily instantly she locked the room
"Don't be scared... nothing will happen to are safe"she said herself and tried to be calm...she took a bath with much difficulties and got ready in 👇

her hand and head started to pain because of continuous movement

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....her hand and head started to pain because of continuous movement. she tried to tie her hair but the pain was unbearable so she doesn't comb the hair... she lay down in bed and turned off the light...the darkness frightened her... she closed her eyes tightly and covered herself with blanket..she slept after few minutes... AGAIN THAT NIGHTMARE...she opened her eyes with a jerk and cupped her mouth to prevent her scream...darkness made her more scared she was sweating badly tears continuously flew down from her eyes...she got down from bed and ran....she couldn't see nothing as everywhere was filled with darkness...somehow she managed to run towards shivaay's room and knocked on door with full force

Shivaay's pove

I was sleeping peacefully suddenly i heard the knock on was not a knock.. the person is ready to break the door at any moment... i opened the door and was shocked to see the scenario in front of me... that girl was standing crying badly...she was not able to breath properly her hair was messy...tears are flowing continuesely still she is looking beautiful in that pink top..."shivaay i can't stay there...please don't send me there.....shivaay please please i beg you don't send me anywhere "she was begging in front of me i was numb to react she was about to touch my feet as she didn't see any response from me
"Heeyy..."i held her sholder and made her stand
"please let me stay here...i will not disturbe you...i will sleep on floor but please please don't send me anywhere"she cried more
"Heeyy....don't can stay here.... but i have 2 conditions" i said
" "
"Condition no have to do a try to overcome this fear
Condition no 2....never beg in front of your friend... just order me
Agree? "
She nodded with big smile
Pov ends
"Then you can stay here" he said with a smile and she hugged him out of happiness he was numb to react for a moment but after he reciprocate to the hug with a smile
"Thank you shivaay....thank you so much...."she said while crying
"2 more conditions "he said sternly
"What? "She asked confusingly withdrawing from that hug
" sorry no thank you have to stop this crying now "he said strictly
She chuckled at him and nodded like a kid...
"Shivaay i want sleeping pills..."
"Why? "
"Some nightmare is not allowing me to sleep peacefully "she said with tears. Seeing her tears again, he gave sleeping pills to her without asking further and she had it
She was about to lay down on floor..."heyy....don't sleep on floor... you are already weak and you will become more ill"shivaay said
"Then where i will sleep "
"Sleep on coach "
"You don't have any problem? "
"Shhh...just sleep there"he said pointing towards couch. He laid down on bed and she laid down on coach and slept with a relieved mind

Precap- "don't call me heyy hooi call me in my name"
"Which name?😂"

(Any guess..did she get her memory back 🤔)

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Sorry for mistakes 🙏🏻

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