part 13 ( friendship or love?)

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Guys.. here is a new writer for shivika JijiMalu please check out her first story and support 🙏🏻


Everyone went back to room after preparing the food. To their shock, annika was nowhere to be seen. All got panicked. Their eyes ran here and there in search for annika. Rudy's eyes caught the most horrible sight. He started to cry. "Bhaiyya bhaiyya..." he called in a hurry and almost slapped on shivaay's shoulder to show him what he saw. Shivaay followed rudy's gaze to let the tray fall down where they kept annika's aloo puri, and break into hundred pieces. Both ran to poolside and others followed them. Annika was lying in pool in an unconscious state. "Anniii" mallika screamed. Shivom jumped into pool and took out her. They made her lay on floor. Rudy and mallika was crying badly and trying to wake her up. Om's eyes was also teary. Shivaay's eyes was reddish and face was numb. He felt some difficulties in breathing. He felt like his soul flying away from his body.( His mind voice ) please open your eyes annika. You can disturb me.. you can irritate me as much as you want. i won't be angry on you. But please don't leave me... don't leave us. These words have been continuously running through his mind. But he didn't express the position of his mind outside. Shivaay checked her pulse holding her wrist same like his heartbeats
S:mallika change her cloth. Siddharth please call the dr

While boys stood outside, mallika changed annika's wet cloths and dressed her in a very thick clothes to keep out the cold. Mallika couldn't stop her from crying. Her face was reddish because of continuous cry seeing annika's unconscious condition. Mallika rubbed her palm to provide some warmth. Rudy was crying like a baby sitting next to her and om was consoling him. Siddharth was walking here and there waiting for the doctor. Whilst shivaay was numb. He just stood there fixing his gaze on annika's pale face. His face was expressionless. Their cute fights, jokes, teases,.... everything started to play in his mind can't i enjoy that memorable moments anymore?. Doctor entered into their room breaking the chain of his thought. All went out, permitting him to examine her. He came out after a while

M: dr... is she fine?
Fear was visible in her teary eyes and in messy face the fear of losing her one more friend

D: nothing to worry. I have injected her. She will be awake soon. Take good care of her. She need rest

O: thanks you dr
His reddish eyes brightened

Dr: say thanks to god. It's a miracle that she could survive from such state. Fever was also high.

Shivaay 's pov

My breath was heavy since i saw her in pool in an unconscious state. My heart was beating fast. Annika & the doctor was the only things that i noticed for past 30 minutes. Doctor's words gave me my life back, gave me my breath back. Don't know why.. but i felt so. Can't i live without her? Can't i breath if she doesn't breathe? Don't know.... i don't have the answer with me. But may be my heart have the answer the one who was not able to beat without her.

Dr: nothing to worry
Thank god i could breath properly
i have injected her
Aahh... my eyes got shutted. did i felt pain? But why?
▪ she will be awake soon
Relieved a singh of relief
▪ take good care of her
Why not?

Without allowing me to to listen further My legs began to move towards her

Pov ends...

Shivaay walked towards annika's sleeping figure while others talking with doctor. His gaze was fixed on her face. Tears filled in his eyes. He hasn't shed a tear yet, but now where did these come from? That's too after know she is fine. Is it the tears of happiness? He sat beside her and his hand moved to her face. He kept it on her head and caressed her hair. His face leaned to hers and gently placed a kiss on her forehead. "I thought i would lose you" he said admiring her pale face
Other four witnessed this scenario with a constant smile

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