par 1 (accident)

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                            's my first try...sorry for grammar mistakes 🙏🏻..i am not a good writer but trying to do my best only for our shivika...
Oberoi mansion

he was in deep sleep and suddenly gets up with a jerk. he was shocked to see the time. it was 11 am
"Ooh god.."after hitting his palm on bed he rushed to washroom. and got ready in black suit

he was walking so fastly suddenly omkara called himom:shivaayy

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he was walking so fastly suddenly omkara called him
om:shivaayy....did you have your breakfast
sh:no time yaar. i will eat from office
om: but....
before he could say something,shivaay just said a bye and has gone from there.
ru:good morning om
om:it's afternoon rudy..
ru:but i just wake up now. so it's morning for me😁
om rolled his eyes in disbelief
om : whatever you did a great job rudy
ru : i am doing lot of great jobs....but you talking about which one?
om : yesterday you added sleeping pills in shivaay's dinner. i am talking about that...
ru: haaa(he said with so much excitement and later he realised that he didn't tell about this to anyone)
"but.. how you got to know om..."
om : i saw
ru : then why, you didn't stop me 🤔
om : becuase i know the reason behind it. you were doing it for your workholic brother. whatever now he got a good sleep after so many days becuase of you
ru : oh goddd!! for the first time you praised me yaar
om : i am so much happy becuase of you
ru : i am too om....
and both hugged for moment
Night 11:30 pm
Shivaay is still working from office.after finishing his work at 12:00. He was driving back to home.he was too sleepy. For a second he closed his eyes. suddenly car hitted on something . He was shocked. Getting down from car he rushed to check...
A girl was lying on road with pool of blood. Her head was bleeding continuously. He was numb to react for a moment. He sat on floor and started to call her.
"Heyyy wake up...
Heyyy" he patted on her cheek with shivering hand.she was unconscious.
Without wasting a second he took her in his arms and kept her in backseet and tied his cot on her forhead to prevent bleeding. He drove fast to oberoi mansion .after parking the car he took her in his arms and entered in mansion everyone were already sleeping. without disturbing them he took her towards his room and kept her on bed carefully. He was really tensed...he called the doctor
Shiv: hello dr...
Shiv:please come to oberoi mansion now
Dr:what happened ?
Shiv:no time to talk...come fast..
Dr: ok ok i am coming

After 20 min dr reached in om and examined her.he came out of the room and gave some medicine list to shivaay
S:how is she?
D:she is fine.nothing to be worried.i have dressed her wounds. her hand is broken and the wound on head is me when she regains consciousness
He sighed in relief
He gave the medicine list to khanna and ordered him to buy them quickly. He again enterded in room and changed his blood-soaked clothes....after changing he sat on couch and looked at her sleeping figure...
Shiv pov
Thank god you are fine...if anything happened to you , i would've died with guilt..i can't see anyone in pain becuase of me...
Without thinking further he slept in sitting position

Precap:-g:who are you😳
S:who are you....
G:who is me😰
S: whatt😵

(She is non other than our kidkithod annika😎)

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