part 5 (anishivomru)

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Here is the part 5....your comments encouraged me to update soon...keep supporting me dears..


"Which name?"😂
"From where you got this name now?"shivaay asked with a shocked face
"From your hospital file"annika replied


She came back to room after talking with dadi....tej was standing in room looking here and there searching for something
"Dad....what happened?"
"Do you know where is shivaay ?
I was searching for him"
"Don't know you want anything? "
"Yes i need a file urgently "
"It will be on cupboard...let me take a look"she said with a smile and started to search for the file
"It's a red color file"tej said between her search
A green colour file caught her attention and she pulled it out with red file and gave that red file to tej
"Thank you"tej said with a big smile and she bent down to touch his feet before she could do so tej held her shoulder nodding in no... he kissed on her forehead "stay happy bessing is always with you"he said stroking her head and left from there.
She opened that green file
"ANNIKA RAICHAND HOSPITAL, mumbai, maharashtra

Patient name : shivaay singh oberoi "

And she read more about his reports and she realised that he is a heartpatient but the most important thing that she noticed was hospital name
"Nice name....should i choose this name for me?....let's ask to shivaay "she said herself smiling continuously and ran to search for shivaay

Flashback end

R:nice name dii...

O:yaa..i like it...then we will call you in this name...what say shivaay?


R:then ANNIKA didi...come with me..let's watch a movie
He dragged her with him and both started to watch a funny movie....shivom Don't like to watch that kind of movies so they started to talk.after a while,
S:i have some work om...good night
O:ok...good night
And both left for respective rooms...shivaay worked for 1 hour and called mishra
S:hello...did we get that deal with trivedis?
M:no sir...they signed that deal with another company
He murdered one more iphone... his anger was on peak as he lost the deal of 150 core... aniru was still watching movie and laughing together that made him more angry he directly went to poolside and closed the laptop where they were watching the movie
R:bhaiyya....this is not fair...we want to watch it
S:don't you have college tomorrow....go and sleep
"go and sleep rudy... no more excuses...."shivaay said before he could complete
"We can watch tomorrow di....i have to go now...good night "rudy whispered to annika and went from there passing a glare to shivaay
"Now i have to tell you especially... come and sleep "shivaay said sternly to annika....but she didn't pay any attention
S:"Heyyy...halo...can't you hear me i am talking to you..."
No response
He said little loudly
A:don't call me heey hooi call me in my name...
S:which name?
He asked in flow.He didn't remember the conversation that took place a while ago
A:annika....!! Shivaay
He tightly closed his eyes biting his tongue
S:i didn't remember it all of a sudden.... 🤬
A:wvahh...i am appreciating for you running such a big business empire with a small memory
She said in teasing tone memory is perfect... just perfect
A:that's why you forget what we discussed a while ago
S:whatever my memory is better than you...i didn't forget even my name

She got up from couch... he could see tears in her eyes. Without uttering a word she left from there and had her medicines with sleeping pills and slept after setting alarm on 6 am....he was also not in a mood to convince her...he too lay down on bed and slept within minutes

Next morning annika woke up hearing the alarm
"I am sorry shivaay... Yesterday you spoiled my good sleep.... today is my turn "she smirked and a jug of water poured on his face
He got up with a jerk "how dare you"he shouted sitting on bed and she ran "i will not leave you PANNIKA"
"Pannika is your girlfriend mallika not me"she said standing on doorside "come to me for feeding you...i will show you then"he said angrily
"Mom will feed me...i don't need your help"she showed her tongue to him and ran from there
"She is not well still there is no any less in naughtiness.....
I am sure that rudy told her about mallika"shivaay said himself


Shivaay's pov

Today i came back to home early as i could not work for long time because i woke up early today. woke me up early today.. i entered in room...she was doing something in phone sitting on my bed...i cleared my throat to let her know my presence... i know that she heard my sound because atmosphere was silent...i wore my grey colour kurta after taking a quick shower...she still sitting in same position with same grumpy face...i went near her and laid beside her resting my head on left palm "how was your day? "
No response
Still she was doing something in phone without uttering a word.... she didn't even look at him
"Hloo...annika..i am talking to you.."
No response....
Ohh god what happened to this girl... for the first time i called her in her favorite name...still she didn't pay any attention
Is she angry with me? If so, what is the reason? Yesterday's fight? Actually i am the one who should be angry on her for morning incident....

Pov ends..

He shrugged off his thoughts and just looked at her phone....he snatched her phone as soon as he saw what she was doing. She was disliking his instagram posts.... but she managed to press the power button while snatching
"Why are you doing this annika?"
"Really...don't you know the reason?"
"I liked your 182 posts and followed you on instagram....and what you just followed me back.. can't you even like my one and only post"
"Are you mad annika"😂
"Your girlfriend mallika is mad not me"
"Why are you always taking out her name?"
"My mouth...i will say whatever i you have any problem?"
"Ok...ok...don't shout
Tell me your phone password "
"For what"
"Will you say or i should throw your phone "
" can tell...
Password is ani...."
"No!Ani...shivomru"she said looking here and there
"Not bad annika...i am impressed "
He unlocked her phone and liked back his posts
"Don't worry i will dislike it again "she said while snatching her phone from him
"If i like your post..problem is solved. Right?"
He took out his phone and liked her post and commented "💘"

 Right?""Hmm"He took out his phone and liked her post and commented "💘"

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Annika's post👆

"Happy?"he asked to her
"Thank youuuu" she said while side hugging him and pecked his cheek
S:Condition no 3
A:ooh sorry🤦‍♀️
S:again 🤨
She bite her tongue and acted like zipping her mouth....he chuckled at her antics
Precap- annika's father🤯

"I hate you " she shut the door on his face...tears were continuously  flowing from her eyes

I just need your support to write further 😊

Sorry for mistakes 🙏🏻

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